Navigation IND: +91-9446249308
IND: +91-7306573189
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Roles”. Roles page will be displayed.

Click on “Add New” button on the top of Roles page, pop-up will be displayed.

Please enter the role name in “Role name” input box and make that role active/de-active by check/ uncheck the “Is Active” check box. 

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Roles”. 
Roles page will be displayed. 

Click on “Edit” icon in Grid then roles information will be displayed in pop-up.

You active/de-active the role by check/ Uncheck 
 “Is Active” check box.

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Roles”. 
Roles page will be displayed. 

Click on “Edit” icon in Grid then roles information will be displayed in pop-up.

Please enter role name in “Role name” input box. 

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Roles”. 
Roles page will be displayed.

Click on “Delete” Icon in Grid then prompt dialog will be displayed for confirmation.

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.

Note: Role can only be deleted if this role is not assigned to any user.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Click the “Add New” button on the top of Users page, pop-up will be displayed.

Select your desired role from “Role” drop down list.

Check the “Is Salesman Linked” check box to link “Salesman” with “User”, then “Salesman” text field will be enabled. Type in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be displayed. Select your desired salesman then selected salesman will be displayed in Salesman input box. 

If you do not want to link salesman then uncheck“Is Salesman Linked”check box to unlink the Salesman with User.

Check/uncheck the “Is Active” check box to active/de-active “Login Id”.
Check/uncheck the “Dashboard” check box to set the permission for website and device dashboard.

Enter login id in “Login Id” input box.
Enter password in “Password” input box then re-enter the same password to confirm the password in “Confirm New Password” input box.  

Enter first name in “First name” input box then enter 
last name in “Last Name” input box. 
Enter email address in “Email Address” input box. 
Enter landline number in “Landline” input box then enter mobile number in “Mobile” input box. 

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the 
desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information. 

Using “Role” drop down list you can change the 
“Role” of this user.

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information.

Check the “Is Salesman Linked” checkbox to link the “Salesman” with “User”, then “Salesman” text field will be enabled. Type in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be displayed. 

Select your desired salesman then selected salesman will be displayed in Salesman input box. If you do not want to link salesman then uncheck the “Is Salesman Linked” checkbox to unlink the  salesman with this User.

Click “OK" button  to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click ”Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information.

Check/Uncheck the “Is Active” check box to activate/de-activate Login of this user.

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information.

Check/uncheck the “Dashboard” check box to set the permissions for website and device dashboard. User can login on device “Dashboard” application (SMACC Dashboard applications for IOS and Android) only if “Dashboard” check box is checked.

Click ”Ok” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information.

Update first name in “First name” input box and last name in “Last Name” input box.

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information. 

Update/edit email address using “Email Address” input box.

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Please click on “Edit” Icon in the grid against the desired “Login ID” then pop-up will be displayed with user information.

Update/edit landline number using “Landline” input box.

Update/edit mobile number using “Mobile” input box. 

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Click on “Set Notification rights” icon in the grid against the desired User or Login ID then Edit Notification Access pop-up will be displayed. Notification icon will only be displayed if Dashboard 
check box is checked against this user.

Website Notification setting can be set using the check boxes under “Web Dashboard”.

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Click on “Set Graph rights” icon in the grid against the desired User or Login ID then “Edit Graph Access” pop-up will be displayed. Graph icon will only be displayed if Dashboard check box is checked against this user.

Website Graph setting can be set using the check boxes under “Web Dashboard”.

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then”Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Click on “Delete” icon in grid against the desired login id then prompt dialog will be displayed for confirmation. 

Click ”Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Users”. Users page will be displayed.

Click on “Change Password” Icon in the grid against the desired login id then “Change Password” pop-up will be displayed.
Please enter the new password in “New Password” input box then enter the new password again in “Confirm New Password” input box to confirm the new password. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Access Rights”. Access Rights page will be displayed.

Click “Update” button at the top of the page to update the rights.

Select desired module from “Module” drop down list. 

Select desired role from “Role” drop down list.

Below rights section will be updated on every drop down selection.  

You can set module access rights by checking/unchecking the check boxes. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Access Rights”. Access Rights page will be displayed.

Click “Update” button at the top of the page to update the rights.

Select desired module from “Module” drop down list. 

Select desired role from “Role” drop down list.

Below rights section will be updated on every drop down selection.  

You can set module access rights by checking/unchecking the check boxes. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Access Rights”. Access Rights page will be displayed.

Select module in “Module” drop down list then select role in the “Role” drop down list. 

 Click on “Update” Button on Access Rights page.
Please check/uncheck the “Login Permitted” check box to set login permission access of the role. 

Click “Save”button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click “Access Rights”. Access Rights page will be displayed.

Select module in Module drop down list then select role in the "Role" drop down list. 

Click on “Update” button at the top of Access Rights page.

Click on “Full Access” button to give full access rights to the role. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Security”, then click ”Access Rights”. Access Rights page will be displayed.

Select module in “Module” drop down list then select role in the “Role” drop down list. 

Click on “Update” button at the top of Access Rights page.

Please click the button “No Access” to end the access rights of the role.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “User Profile”. User Profile page will be displayed. 

Click the “Update” button on User Profile page.

Update first name by using “First name” input box then 
last name using “Last name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then ”Profiles”, then
click “User Profile”. Users profile page will be displayed.

Click the “Update” button on Users Profile page.

Enter user email address in “Email Address” input box. 

Click “Save” button to update the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then 
click “User Profile”. User profile page will be displayed.

Click the “Update” button on User Profile page.

To link salesman with User,  check the“Is Salesman Linked”  
check box Then Salesman text field will be enabled and
 you can set the Salesman or if you want to un-link
 salesman with user, un check “Is Salesman Linked”
check box then already linked Salesman will be removed.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
“User Profile”. User Profile page will be displayed. 

Click the “Update” button on the top of User Profile page.

Use “Landline” input box to update the landline and use 
"Mobile” input box to update mobile number. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “User Profile”. User Profile page will be displayed. 

Click the “Update” button on User Profile page.

Click on “Language” drop down then list will be displayed. 
Select your desired language.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“User Profile”. User profile page will be displayed.

Click the “Update” button on User Profile page.

Select the desired module from “Favorite Module”
drop down list. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 

Click on “Update” button on company profile page.

To set company logo, please click on “Choose file” button to
choose the logo. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 

Click on “Update” button on company profile page.

To set company logo, please click on “Choose file” button 
to choose the logo. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Enter company address in “Address” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Enter company name in “Company Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Email can be updated using “Email” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “
Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Email can be updated using “Email” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “
Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Email can be updated using “Email” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “
Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Email can be updated using “Email” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “
Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Company contact number can be updated using
 “Contact number” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Company VAT number can be updated using “VAT Number”
 input box
Click “Save”  button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company’; profile page.
Company nick name can be updated using “Nick name”
 input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Enter company fiscal year start date in “Fiscal Year end date”
 input box and enter company fiscal year end date in 
“Fiscal year end date” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Number of decimals in amount can be set/update using 
“Number of decimals in amount” input box.

Click “Save”  button to save the information.  	
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Select your desired amount format from “Amount format”
 drop down list.
Click “Save”  button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
To add new language, click on “Add” button at the right
 of “Language” input box then “Add more language” 
pop-up will be displayed. 
Click in “Language” input box then language list will be
 drop down. Select your desired language.
Click  “Proceed” button then selected language will be
added in the list. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click 
“Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.

To set calendar, select your desired calendar format from “Calendar” drop down list.
Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click
 “Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
Select your desired currency from “Currency” drop down list.
Click “Save”button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then click “
Company Profile”. Company Profile page will be displayed. 
Click on “Update” button on company profile page.
To terminate login for all users of this company, check
“Stop Login” check box or if you want to allow login access
then uncheck “Stop Login” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “Profiles”, then
click “Password”. Password page will be displayed.
Click on the “Update” button.
Enter old password in “Old Password” input box, then
enter new password in “New Password” input box,
then enter new password in “Confirm New Password” 
to confirm.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Countries”. Countries page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button, pop-up will be displayed.
To add new country, please enter country name in “Name” input box. 

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Countries”. Countries page will be displayed.

Click on “Edit” Icon in Grid then Country name will be displayed in pop-up. 

To edit/update country name, please use “Name” input box.

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Countries”. Countries page will be  displayed.
Click on “Delete” Icon against the desired country in Grid then prompt dialog will be displayed for confirmation. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currency Rate”. Currency rate page will be displayed.
Please select currency in the “Currency” list and click on “Add New” button on the currency rates page, pop-Up will be displayed. 
Please enter currency rate in “Rate” input box then enter date in “Last Updated Date” input box.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currency Rate”. Currency rate page will be displayed.
Select the currency in the Currency list box, click on “Edit” Icon in Grid against the desired currency ratxe then pop-up will be displayed with information.

Update rate using “Rate” input box. 

Update last updated date using “Last Updated Date” input box. 
Click “OK” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currency Rate”. Currency rate page will be displayed.
Select the currency in the Currency list box, click on “Delete” Icon in grid then prompt dialog will be displayed for confirmation. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currencies”. Currencies page will be displayed to view the details.
Click on “Add New” button on the Roles page, pop-up will be displayed. 
Select your desired currency from “Currency” drop down list.

Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currencies”. Currencies page will be displayed.
In the grid, click on “Edit” Icon against the desired currency then pop-up will be displayed.
Update/edit the currency name in “Name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currencies”. Currencies page will be displayed.
In the grid, click on “Edit” Icon against the desired currency then pop-Up will be displayed. 
Update/edit the fraction name in “Fraction” name input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
: Click on the “Configuration”, then “General”, then click “Currencies”. Currencies page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” Icon in Grid then prompt dialog will be displayed for confirmation. 

Click “Yes “button to delete the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Click on “Add New” button on top of account master page then right section will be enabled to enter new account information.
Click “Manage Name” icon will enable you to select language in pop-up. Enter name in “Account Name” input box in your desired language.

Click in “account Type” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired account type. 
Then click in “P/L Balance Sheet Group” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired P/L balance sheet.

To enable that account to add sub accounts, check the “Sub account support” check box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Account code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to add sub account. Click on “Add New” button on account master page.
Click “Manage Name” icon will enable you to select language in pop-up. Enter name in “Account Name” input box in your desired language.
Click in “account Type” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired account type. 
Then click in “P/L Balance Sheet Group” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired P/L balance sheet.
To enable that account can add sub account, check the “Sub account support” check box.  
If you don’t want to enable to add sub account, uncheck “Sub Account Support” check box and follow the procedures mentioned below.     

Click in “Default Currency” input box will display different currencies in drop down list .Select the desired currency. 

Check the “Cost Center Support” check box to link the cost center with account. Then click in “Default Cost Center Code” input box will display different cost centers. Select the desired cost center will be displayed in “Default Cost Center Name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information on account master page.
You can add 9 nested levels (1account, 8sub accounts). To add sub accounts in an account, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Account code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to add sub account and click on “Add New” button on account master page.
You can set up to maximum 9 nested levels.  
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Account code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to set account type.  

Click on “Account Type” box will be filled with your search. Select the desired account type in the list bar.

Click "Ok" button to save the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Account code” or select the account in list bar then click on “Delete” button on the account master page
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.
Click "Yes" button to delete account. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Account code” box or select the account in list bar in which you want to set cost center support, then click “Update” button.
Check “Cost Center Support” checkbox to link the account with cost center. Then click in “Default Cost Center Name” will let you select cost center. Please uncheck “cost Center Support” box to unlink the account with cost center. Then already linked cost center will be removed.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Account Master”. Account master page will be displayed.
Please enter account code in “Account code” box or select the account in list bar in which you want to set currency type.

Click in “Default Currency” box will enable you to select currency type.

Click "Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Click on “Add New” button on the cost centers page.
Check/uncheck “Add this item at Root” to add/remove this item at root.

Enter cost center name or click in “Cost center name” input box then cost center name list will be drop down. Select your desired cost center name. If you want to enter cost center name in your desired language then click “Manage Name” icon will enable you to select language in pop-up. Enter cost center name in your desired language. Click “Proceed” button.

Click “Ok” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Enter the cost center code or select the cost center from the list. Click on “Update” button the cost centers page.
To make that cost center link/unlink with sub cost center support by checking/unchecking "Sub cost center support" check box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Enter the cost center code or select the cost center from the list. Click on “Update” button the cost centers page.
To make that cost center link/unlink with sub cost center support by checking/unchecking "Sub cost center support" check box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Enter the cost center code or select the cost center from the list. 

Click on ” Delete” button on the cost centers page then prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Opening Balances”. Opening balance page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the opening balance page. 
Enter account name in “Account name” input box then click Search button. Search Results drop down list will be filled with results against your search, then select the account from “Search Results” drop down list then selected account information will be shown.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  	
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then ”Masters”, then click “Opening Balances”. Opening balance page will be displayed.
 Click on “Update” button on the opening balance page.
Enter date in “Account Starts On” box then click Show All Accounts button will enable you to set opening balances of all accounts.

Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Previous year Balance”. Previous years balance page will be displayed.
 Click on “Update” button on the previous year balance page. 
Enter name in “Account name” input box and click Search button. Search Results drop down list will be filled with results against your search, then select the account from “Search Results” drop down list and account info will be shown. Please set the previous year account balance.

To set account balance of all accounts, enter date in “Balance As On” input box then click “Show All Accounts” button. 
It will display the previous year balance of all accounts. Set account balance of desired accounts.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Click on “Add New” button on the cost centers page.
Check/uncheck “Add this item at Root” to add/remove this item at root.

Enter cost center name or click in “Cost center name” input box then cost center name list will be drop down. Select your desired cost center name. If you want to enter cost center name in your desired language then click “Manage Name” icon will enable you to select language in pop-up. Enter cost center name in your desired language. Click “Proceed” button.

Click "Ok" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Enter the cost center code or select the cost center from the list. Click on “Update” button the cost centers page.
To make that cost center link/unlink with sub cost center support by checking/unchecking "Sub cost center support" check box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Cost Centers”. Cost centers page will be displayed.
Enter the cost center code or select the cost center from the list. Click on "Delete""button on the cost centers page then prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.
Click "Yes" button to delete the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Opening Balances”. Opening balance page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the opening balance page. 
Enter account name in “Account name” input box then click Search Button. Search Results drop down list will be filled with results against your search, then select the account from “Search Results” drop down list then selected account information will be shown.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Opening Balances”. Opening balance page will be displayed.
 Click on “Update” button on the opening balance page.
Enter date in “Account Starts On” box then click “Show All Accounts” button will enable you to set opening balances of all accounts.

Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Masters”, then click “Previous year Balance”. Previous years balance page will be displayed.
 Click on “Update” button on the previous year balance page. 
Enter name in “Account name” input box and click Search button. Search Results drop down list will be filled with results against your search, then select the account from “Search Results” drop down list and account info will be shown. Please set the previous year account balance.

To set account balance of all accounts, enter date in “Balance As On” input box then click “Show All Accounts’ button. 
It will display the previous year balance of all accounts. Set account balance of desired accounts.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Receipts page.

Enter date in “Receipts Date” input box then click “Cash” radio button in “Receipt Mode”.

Enter depositor name in “Received From “and amount in “Amount” input box.  

Click in “Debit account” input box, then it will display the list of accounts, select the required debit account. 

Click (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).
Enter (0) in “Credit account” will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.   

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Receipts page.

Enter date in “Receipts Date” input box then click “Cheque” radio button in “Receipt Mode” then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.

Enter cheque depositor name in “Received From “input box and amount in “Amount” input box. Then enter cheque name in “Cheque Name” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts, select the required debit account. 
Click (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).

Enter (0) in “Credit account” will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.   
Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button  in Receipts page.

Enter date in “Receipts Date” input box then click “Deposit” radio Button  in “Receipt Mode” then enter voucher date in “Voucher Date” in put box. 
Enter depositor name in “Received From “input box and amount in “Amount” input box. Then enter cheque name in “Cheque Name” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).

Enter (0) in “Credit account” will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.   
Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button  in Receipts page.

Enter date in “Receipts Date” input box then click “e Transfer” radio button  in “Receipt Mode” then enter transfer date in “Transfer Date” in put box.

Then enter depositor name in “Received From “and amount in “Amount” input box then enter document number in “Document number” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.

Click (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).

Enter (0) in “Credit account” will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.   
Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button in Receipts page and enter receipt number in “receipt Number” input box. (You can also select the required receipt by using “Navigation “ button).
Click on “Load” button and it will display the required receipt. 

Please modify the data then click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on Print button and enter receipt number in “receipt Number” input box in Receipts page. (You can also select the required receipt by using “Navigation“ button).
Click on “Load” button and it will display the required receipt. 
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to print the receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Receipts”. Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Delete" button and enter receipt number in “receipt Number” input box in Receipts page. (You can also select the required receipt by using “Navigation“ button).
Click on “Load” button and it will display the required receipt. 
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “Yes” button to delete the receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Payments page.

First click “Cash” radio button in “Receipt Mode” then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box.
Enter name whom cash is paid to in “”Paid To” input box then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  
Click and enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts, select the required debit account. 

Click and enter (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” input box, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).
Enter (0) in “Credit account” input box, it will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box, it will auto display the cost center list, select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.   
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Payments page.
First click “Cheque” radio button in “Receipt Mode” then enter receipt date in “Receipts Date” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.

Enter the name whom cheque is paid to in “Paid to “input box then enter cheque amount in “Amount” input box. Enter cheque number in “Cheque Name” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.

Click and enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts, select the required debit account. 
Click and enter (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” input box, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).
Enter (0) in “Credit account” input box, it will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box, it will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “button in Payments page.
First Click “Cheque” radio button in “Receipt Mode” then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box then enter cheque date in “Voucher Date” input box.
Enter the name whom cheque is paid to in “Received From “input box and cheque amount in “Amount” input box. Then enter cheque number in “Cheque Name” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click and enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts, select the required debit account. 
Click and enter (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” input box, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).
Enter (0) in “Credit account” input box, it will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box, it will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new“ button in Payments page.
First Click “e Transfer” radio button in “Receipt Mode” then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box then enter cheque date in “Voucher Date” input box.
Enter the name whom e transfer is paid to in “Received From “input box and cheque amount in “Amount” input box. Then enter cheque number in “Cheque Name” input box and bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click and enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the debit accounts list, select the required debit account. 
Click and enter (0) in “Cost Center (Dr)” input box, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center (Dr).
Enter (0) in “Credit account” input box, it will auto display the credit account list, select the required credit account. Then enter (0) in “cost Center (Cr)” input box, it will auto display the cost center list. Select the required cost center.
Enter description in “Description” input box and notes in “Notes” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button in Payments page.
Enter payment number in “payment Number” in put box then click "Load" button.
Desired payment data will be displayed. Modify data and click “Save” button to save the information..
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on "Delete" button in Payments page.
Enter payment number in “payment Number” in put box then Click "Load" button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete the payment.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Payments”. Payments page will be displayed.
Click on "Print"button in Payments page.
Enter payment number in “payment Number” in put box then Click "Load" button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print the payment.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Click on "Add new" button on Journal voucher page.

Enter date in “Document Date” input box.

Enter account code to select account or enter (0) in “Account Code” column in the grid bar then It will auto show accounts code in the list bar. Select the desired the account. Selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” column in the grid bar. 
Enter amount in debt input box in “Debit” column and in credit input box in “Credit” column in the grid bar. Enter description in description input box in “Description” column in the grid bar then enter reference number input box in “Reference number” column.
Enter (0) in cost center input box in “Cost Center” column, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center . Selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” column. Enter notes in notes input box in “Notes” column. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button  or click on “Update” button  on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button . It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page. 
To edit account code, please enter (0) in “Account Code” column in the grid bar then It will auto show accounts code in the list bar. Select the desired the account. Selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” column in the grid bar.   

Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button  or click on “Update” button  on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button. It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page.
To set voucher cost center, please enter (0) in cost center input box in “Cost Center” column against desired voucher, it will auto display the cost centers list. Select the required cost center. Selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” column. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button  or click on “Update” button  on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button . It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page.
To Set voucher debit amount, please edit/update amount in debt input box in “Debit” column in grid bar.

 Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button  or click on “Update” button  on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button . It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page.
To Set voucher credit amount, please edit/update amount in credit input box in “Credit” column in grid bar.

 Click “Save” button  to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 

Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button or click on “Delete” button on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete the voucher.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 
Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button or click on “Delete” button on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button . It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page.
To delete voucher, click on “Cross” button against the required entries.

 Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Journal Voucher”. Journal voucher page will be displayed. 
Select the required voucher by “Navigation” button or click on “Print” button on Journal voucher page. 
Enter voucher number in “Journal number” input box and click “Load” button . It will display voucher details on Journal voucher page.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.

 Click “OK” button to print journal voucher.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.
First enter date in “Date” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” select box .then it will show payment mode options. Select the desired payment mode. If you select credit in payment mode then enter credit days in “Credit days” input box. Credit ending date will be shown in “Credit Date Upto” input box starting from the date in “Date” input box. 
Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in “Invoiced To” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” box. 
Enter the address where invoice is then enter reference number in “Reference number” input box.
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.  

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Credit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.
Enter person name (who perpared the invoice )in “ Prepared By” input box.

Enter serial no in “Serial” column, item name in “Item no” column, description in “Description” column, quantity in “Quantity” column, price in “Price” column, discount in “Discount” column, then payable amount will be shown in “Amount” column and discount amount in “Discount Amount” column in their respective the grid.    
Grand total will be shown in “Grand Total” input box.Total payable amount will be displayed in “Net Amount” input box and total discount given will be shown in “Item Discount Total” input box.

Enter remarks in “Instructions Remarks” then enter advance cash amount in “Cash Advance” input box. 
Enter job costing amount in “Job Costing” input box or click on "Detail" button then job costing pop-up will be appeared. 
Select the desired job costing and click "OK" button. 

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.
To Set payment mode, click in “Payment Mode” select box .then it will show payment mode options. Select the desired payment mode. If you select credit in payment mode then enter credit days in “Credit days” input box. Credit ending date will be shown in “Credit Date Upto” input box starting from the date in “Date” input box. 
Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.

To Set cost center (debit), enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.  

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.
To Set cost center (credit), enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.  

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.
Enter address in “Address To” input box.

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Invoices page.
Enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Invoiced To” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” box. 
Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Select the required invoice by "Navigation" button or click on "Update" button on Invoice page
Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” in put box and click “Load” button.
You can add serial no in “Serial” column, item name in “Item no” column, description in “Description” column, quantity in “Quantity” column, price in “Price” column and discount in “Discount” column, then payable amount will be shown in “Amount” column and discount amount in “Discount Amount” column in the grid.    

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Invoices”. Invoice page will be displayed.
Select the required invoice by "Navigation" button or click on "Update" button on Invoice page
Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” in put box and click “Load” button.
You can add serial no in “Serial” column, item name in “Item no” column, description in “Description” column, quantity in “Quantity” column, price in “Price” column and discount in “Discount” column, then payable amount will be shown in “Amount” column and discount amount in “Discount Amount” column in the grid.    

Click "Save" button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Add new" button on Cash Receipts page.
First enter date in “Voucher Date” input box.
Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.    .  

Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in column “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required    account then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. Enter amount in column “Amount “input box, then description in column “Description” input box and reference in column “Reference number” input box.

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in column “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in column “Cost center name” input box. Enter notes in column “Notes” input box against the selected serial.

Click "Save" button then cash receipt # will be systematically generated and appeared in “Cash Receipt #” input box and will save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired cash receipt serial to delete cash receipt. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Print” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.	
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.	
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box.

 Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts”, then click “Cash Receipts”. Cash Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Receipts page.
Enter cash receipt # in “Cash Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Add new" button on Cash Payment page.

First enter date in “Voucher Date” input box.

Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.  

Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in column “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. Enter amount in column “Amount “input box, then description in column “Description” input box and reference in column “Reference number” input box.   Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in column “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in column “Cost center name” input box. Enter notes in column “Notes” input box against the selected serial.

Click "Save" button on Cash Payment page then cash receipt # will be systematically generated and appeared in “Cash Receipt #” input box and will save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Select the account by “Navigation” button or click on “Delete” button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.

Click on “Delete” icon against the selected cash payment serial to delete cash payment in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on “Print” button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print cash payment.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.

To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on "Update" button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Cash Payment”. Cash Payment page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Cash Payment page.
Enter cash payment # in “Cash Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box in the grid.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Bank Receipts page.
First enter date in “Voucher Date” input box.
Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box. 
Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in column “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required    account then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. Enter amount in column “Amount “input box, then description in column “Description” input box and reference in column “Reference number” input box.

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in column “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in column “Cost center name” input box. Enter notes in column “Notes” input box against the selected serial.
Click Save button then cash receipt # will be systematically generated and appeared in “Cash Receipt #” input box and will save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Delete" button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on Delete button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on Delete button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired bank receipt serial to delete cash receipt. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”.  Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on "Print" button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print bank receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Vouchers”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.

 To set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipts Voucher”, then click “Bank Receipts”. Bank Receipts page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Receipts page.
Enter bank receipt # in “Bank Receipt #” input box and click on “Load” button.

 To set cost center, enter code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Bank Payments page.

First enter date in “Voucher Date” input box.

Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.    .  

Enter desired account code/name or enter (0) in column “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required    account then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. Enter amount in column “Amount “input box, then description in column “Description” input box and reference in column “Reference number” input box.

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in column “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in column “Cost center name” input box. Enter notes in column “Notes” input box against the selected serial.

Click “Save” button then cash receipt # will be systematically generated and appeared in “Cash Receipt #” input box and will save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” button on Bank Payments page.

Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete cash receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired bank receipt serial to delete cash receipt. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Print” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print bank receipt.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To Set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the Financial Accounting, then Transaction, then Payment/Receipts Voucher, then click Bank Payments. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To Set cost center, enter cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select the desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To Set account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required  account then selected account name will be shown in “Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then “Payment/Receipt Vouchers”, then click “Bank Payments”. Bank Payments page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on Bank Payments page.
Enter bank payment # in “Bank Payment #” input box and click on “Load” button.
To Set cost center, enter code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center” input box in the grid, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Debit notes page.

Enter date in “Document Date” input box then enter amount in “Amount” input box. Enter the issuer name in “Issued by” input box. 

Enter desired debit account code/name or enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then  selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box.
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.     

Enter Credit account code/name or enter (0) in “Credit account “input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired credit account then selected credit account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box.    
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Credit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.  
Enter description in “Description” input box, then enter remarks in “Remarks 1”, “Remarks 2” and in “Remarks 3” input boxes. 
Click “Save” button to save the information then document number and voucher number will be systematically generated and shown in “Document Number” and “Voucher number” input boxes.  
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Delete” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete debit notes.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Print” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print debit notes.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
To Set debit account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
To Set cost center (debit) code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
  To Set credit account, enter Credit account code/name or enter (0) in “Credit account “input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired credit account then selected credit account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
 To Set cost center (credit), enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Credit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Debit Notes”. Debit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired debit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Debit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button. Then click “Transaction” button on the bottom of page.
 A pop-up will be appeared with desired transaction details. Click “OK” button to close the pop-up. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Credit notes page.

Enter date in “Document Date” input box then enter amount in “Amount” input box. Enter the issuer name in “Issued by” input box. 

Enter desired debit account code/name or enter (0) in “Debit account” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box.

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.     

Enter Credit account code/name or enter (0) in “Credit account “input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired credit account then selected credit account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box.    

Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Credit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.  
Enter description in “Description” input box, then enter remarks in “Remarks 1”, “Remarks 2” and in “Remarks 3” input boxes. 
Click “Save” Button to save the information then document number and voucher number will be systematically generated and shown in “Document Number” and “Voucher number” input boxes. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” button or click “Delete” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete debit notes.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” Button or click “Update” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.

 To set debit account code, enter account code/name or enter (0) in “Account code” input box, then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select the required account then selected account name will be shown in “Account Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” Button or click “Update” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
Enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Debit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button. Then click “Transaction” button on the bottom of page to view transaction.
 A pop-up will be appeared with desired transaction details. Click “OK” button to close the pop-up. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” Button or click “Print” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print debit notes.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transaction”, then click “Credit Notes”. Credit notes page will be displayed.
Select desired credit account by “Navigation” Button or click “Update” button on Credit notes page.
Enter document number in “Document Number” input box and click “Load” button.
 To set cost center (credit), enter desired cost center code/name or enter (0) in “Cost Center (Credit)” input box, then it will auto display the list of cost centers. Select desired cost center then selected cost center name will be shown in “Cost center” input box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Post Dated Cheques.
Enter date in “Document Date” input box.
In the grid, enter cheque number in column “Cheque number” input box, cheque date in column “Cheque Date” input box, then enter amount in column “Amount” column input box. Enter bank name in column “Bank Name” input box then enter branch name in column “Branch Name” input box. 
In the grid, enter account no in column “Received From” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired account from which cheque is received then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 
In the grid, enter account no in column “Deposit to” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select your desired cheque deposit account,  then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 

In the grid, enter cheque deposit alert date in column “Alert Date” input box then enter description in column “Description” input box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information then doc number will be systematically generated and shown in “Doc Number” input box.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Delete” button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “Yes” button to delete Post Dated Cheques.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click Delete button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
Click on delete icon in “Delete” column against the desired entry then it will delete the selected entry.
Click “OK” button to save the information..
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Print” button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print Post Dated Cheques.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
In the grid, enter cheque deposit alert date in column “Alert Date” input box and click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
In the grid, enter account no in column “Received From” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired Cheque recieved account then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Dated Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Dated cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Dated Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
In the grid, enter account no in column “Deposit to” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired cheque deposit account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Dated Cheques”, then click “Deposit”. Deposit page will be displayed.
Check the “Alert Dates:” check box then set the date in “From” inbox and in “To” inbox.  

Check the “Received From:” check box then enter account number or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box.
Check the “Deposit to:” check box then enter account no or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired accounts, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box. Click “Show PDC cheques to deposit” button, then it will show the cheques details in the grid.  

Enter process document number in “Process Document #” input box then enter date in “Process Document Date” input box and click on “Process” button to process the document.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Bounce”. Bounce page will be displayed.
Check the “Alert Dates:” check box then set the date in “From” inbox and in “To” inbox. 
Check the “Received From:” check box then enter account number or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box.
Check the “Deposit to:” check box then enter account no or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired accounts, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box. Click “Show PDC cheques to deposit” button, then it will show the cheques details in the grid.  

Enter process document number in “Process Document #” input box then enter date in “Process Document Date” input box and click on “Process” button to process the document.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Return”. Return page will be displayed.
Check the “Alert Dates:” check box then set the date in “From” inbox and in “To” inbox. 
Check the “Received From:” check box then enter account number or enter (0) , then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box.
Check the “Deposit to:” check box then enter account no or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired accounts, then selected account name will be shown in column “Name” input box. Click “Show PDC cheques to deposit” button, then it will show the cheques details in the grid.  

Enter process document number in “Process Document #” input box then enter date in “Process Document Date” input box and click on “Process” button to process the document.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on Post Paid Cheques.
Enter date in “Document Date” input box.
In the grid, enter cheque number in column “Cheque number” input box, cheque date in column “Cheque Date” input box then enter amount in column “Amount” input box. Enter bank name in column “Bank Name” input box then enter branch name in column “Branch Name” input box. 
In the grid, enter clearing account no in column “Paid to” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired cheque paid account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 
In the grid, enter clearing account no in column “Clearing Bank” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired cheque clearing account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 
In the grid, enter cheque deposit alert date in “Alert Date” input box then enter description in column “Description” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information then doc number will be systematically generated and shown in “Doc Number” input box.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Delete” button on Post Paid Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to delete Post Paid Cheques.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Paid Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.

In the grid, click on delete icon in “Delete” column against the desired entry. 

Click “Save” button to delete Post Paid Cheques.

Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Print” button on Post Paid Cheques page.

Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print Post Paid Cheques.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Paid Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.
In the grid, enter cheque Post Paid alert date in column “Alert Date” input box and click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Paid Cheques page.

 Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.

 In the grid, enter clearing account no in column “Clearing Bank” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired cheque clearing account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Transactions”, then “Post Paid Cheques”, then click “Data Entry”. Post Paid Cheques page will be displayed.
Select desired Post Paid cheques by “Navigation” button or click “Update” button on Post Paid Cheques page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box and click “Load” button.

 In the grid, enter clearing account no in column “Paid to” input box or enter (0), then it will auto display the list of accounts. Select desired cheque paid account, then selected account name will be shown in column “Account Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”. Chart of Accounts page will be displayed.
Select the desired account by clicking the radio button in “Account Selection by” along with if you want to view the opening balance of selected account then check “Show Opening Balance” check box. Click “Show” button. It will display the selected account details.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then  click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”. Chart of Accounts page will be displayed.
Select the desired account by clicking the radio button in “Account Selection by” then click “Export to Excel” button. It will export selected account details to excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”. Chart of Accounts page will be displayed.
Select the desired account by clicking the radio button in “Account Selection by” then click “Export to Word” button. It will export selected account details to word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”. Chart of Accounts page will be displayed.
Select the desired account by clicking the radio button in “Account Selection by” then click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selected account details to pdf.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”. Chart of Accounts page will be displayed.
Select the desired account by clicking the radio button in “Account Selection by” along with if you want to view the opening balance of selected account then check “Show Opening Balance” check box. Click “Show” button.
Click “Print” button on chart of accounts page.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Cash Book”. Cash book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 
Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account detail cash book will be displayed.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Cash Book”. Cash book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 
Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click Show button then selected account detail in cash book will be displayed.
Click "Export to Excel" button. It will export selected account details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Cash Book”. Cash book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 
Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account detail in cash book will be displayed.
Click “Export to Word” button. It will export selected account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Cash Book”. Cash book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account detail in cash book will be displayed.
Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selected account details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Cash Book”. Cash book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account detail in cash book will be displayed.
Click “Print” button on cash book page.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 
Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click "Bank Book". Bank book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 
Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click ““Show”” button then selected account details in bank book will be displayed.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click "Bank Book". Bank book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 
Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account details in bank book will be displayed.
Click “Export to Excel” button. It will export selected account details in bank book to Excel.
Click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click "Bank Book". Bank book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account details in bank book will be displayed.
Click “Export to Word” button. It will export selected account details in bank book to Word.
Click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click "Bank Book". Bank book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account details in bank book will be displayed.
Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selected account details in bank book to PDF.
Click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click "Bank Book". Bank book page will be displayed.
Enter account code or enter (0) in “Account code” input box then accounts list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

Set date in “Period From” input box and in “Period To” input box. Click “Show” button then selected account details in bank book will be displayed.
Click “Print” button on bank book page.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Journal Register”. Journal register page will be displayed.
To search the accounts within required date,click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  

It will “Show” the account details in journal register within selected date.
To search account by voucher number then enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.  

It will “Show” the account details in journal register with in selected voucher number.
To search accounts detail by account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.   

Selected account details in journal register will be displayed.     

You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Journal Register”. Journal register page will be displayed.
If you want to export account details in journal register to excel with in selected date then set the date or if you want to export account details in journal register to excel within selected voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export desired account details in journal register to excel then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to Excel” button. It will export selected account details in journal register to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Journal Register”. Journal register page will be displayed.
If you want to export account details in journal register to word with in selected date then set the date or if you want to export account details in journal register to word within selected voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export desired account details in journal register to word then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to Word” button. It will export selected account details in journal register to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Journal Register”. Journal register page will be displayed.
If you want to export account details in journal register to pdf within selected date then set the date or if you want to export account details in journal register to pdf within selected voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export desired account details in journal register to pdf then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selected account details in journal register to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Journal Register”. Journal register page will be displayed.
To print accounts by date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  
It will “Show” the account details in journal register within selected date.
Click “Print” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print account within selected date.

To print accounts within desired voucher number, click “Voucher” radio button then enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.  
It will “Show” the account details in journal register by voucher number.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print accounts within selected voucher numbers.
To print desired accounts, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.   
Selected account details in journal register will be displayed.     
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print selected account.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed.
Click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction type.
To search transaction type within required date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  
It will display the account transaction details within selected date.

To search transaction within desired voucher number, enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button. 
It will display transaction details within voucher number.
To search transaction detail by account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.   
Selected account transaction detail will be displayed.     

You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed.
To set transaction type, click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction type.
To search transaction type within required date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  
It will display the account transaction details within selected date.
To search transaction within desired voucher number, enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button. 
It will show the transaction details within selected voucher number.
To search transaction detail by account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.   
Selected account transaction detail will be displayed.     
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed. 
Click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction type.  
If you want to export transaction details to excel within specific date then set the date or if you want to export transaction details to excel within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export transaction details to excel within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to Excel” button. It will export selected account details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed. 
Click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction.  
If you want to export transaction details to word within specific date then set the date or if you want to export transaction details to word within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export transaction details to word within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to Word” button. It will export selected account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed. 
Click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction.  
If you want to export transaction details to pdf within specific date then set the date or if you want to export transaction details to pdf within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export transaction details to pdf within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selected account details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed. 
Click on the “Transaction Type” list box then transaction list will appear. Select the required transaction.  

To print transaction within specific date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  

It will display the account transaction details within selected date.
Click “Print” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print transaction within specific date.

To print transaction within desired voucher number, click “Voucher” radio button then enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. 
It will shown the transaction details by voucher number.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print transaction within selected voucher numbers.

 To print transaction by account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.   

Selected account transaction detail will be displayed.     
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print transaction within selected account.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the report type by clicking radio button against the desired Report Type. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
To search invoice type within required date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  

It will display the invoice detail within selected date.

To search invoice within desired voucher number, enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button. 
It will display invoice detail within voucher number.
To search detail in invoice within account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.  
Selected invoice detail will be displayed.     

You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the desired report type by clicking radio button in “Report Type”. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
To search invoice type within required date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  
It will display the invoice detail within selected date.

To search invoice within desired voucher number, enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. Click “Show” button. 
It will “Show” invoice detail within voucher number.
To search detail report in invoice within account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.  
Selected invoice detail will be displayed.     
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the report type within clicking radio button against the desired report type. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
If you want to export invoice report to excel within specific date then set the date or if you want to export invoice report to excel within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export invoice report to excel within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click Export to Excel button. It will export selected Invoice Report to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the report type by clicking radio button against the desired report type. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
If you want to export invoice report to word within specific date then set the date or if you want to export invoice report to word within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export invoice report to word within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click Export to Word button. It will export selected Invoice Report to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the report type by clicking radio button against the desired report type. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
If you want to export invoice report to pdf within specific date then set the date or if you want to export invoice report to pdf within specific voucher number then set voucher number or if you want to export invoice report to pdf within desired account then set the account code. After account setting, click Export to PDF button. It will export selected Invoice Report to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.
Select the report type by clicking radio button against the desired report type. If you click “Summary” radio button then it will display the summary of the invoice listing and if you want to select “Detail” radio button then it will display the detail of the invoice listing.
To print invoice report within specific date, click “Date” radio button. Enter date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click “Show” button.  
It will display the account invoice report within selected date.
Click "Print" button.

The prompt dialog will be “Show”n for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print Invoice Report within specific date.

To print invoice report within desired voucher number, click “Voucher” radio button then enter voucher number in “From” input box and “To” input box. 
It will “Show” the invoice report with in desired voucher number.
Click "Print" button.
The prompt dialog will be “Show”n for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print invoice report within selected voucher numbers.
To print invoice report within account code, click on “Account” radio button then enter account code or enter (0). Account code list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Set the date in “From” input box and “To” input box then click on “Show” button.  
Selected account in invoice report will be displayed.    
Click "Print" button.
The prompt dialog will be “Show”n for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print invoice report within selected account.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

Select the Account Type by clicking the radio button. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in General Ledger.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  

It will display selective account detail in General Ledger.

You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 

To set account type in General Ledger, click on desired account type radio button in “Account Type”.

If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in General Ledger.

If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  

It will display selective account detail in General Ledger.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To select account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired selection by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to excel then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. . Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to Excel button. It will export all account details to Excel.  

If you want to export selective account details to excel then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Excel button. It will export selective account details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To select account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired selection by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to word then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all account details to Word.  

If you want to export selective account details to word then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Export to Word” button. It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To select account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired selection by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to PDF then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export all account details to PDF.  

If you want to export selective account details to PDF then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selective account details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “General Ledger”. General Ledger page will be displayed.
To select account in General Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to select account in General Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired selection by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to print details of all accounts in General Ledger then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in General Ledger.
Click on “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in General Ledger.

 If you want to print selective accounts in General Ledger then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  
It will display selective account detail in General Ledger.
Click "Print" button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print accounts selective accounts in General Ledger.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

Select the Account Type by clicking the radio button. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in Accounts Ledger.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  

 It will display selective account detail in Accounts Ledger.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

To set account type in Accounts Ledger, click on desired account type radio button in “Account Type”.

If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in Accounts Ledger.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  

 It will display selective account detail in Accounts Ledger.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to excel then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. . Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to Excel button. It will export all account details to Excel.  

If you want to export selective account details to excel then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Excel button. It will export selective account details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to word then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all account details to Word.  

If you want to export selective account details to word then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Word button. It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to PDF then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to PDF button. It will export all account details to PDF.  

If you want to export selective account details to PDF then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to PDF button. It will export selective account details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Accounts Ledger”. Accounts Ledger page will be displayed.
To search account in Accounts Ledger with sub account details, check “Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Accounts Ledger with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and if you want to search account in accounts ledger with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to print details of all accounts in Accounts Ledger then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.

It will display details of all accounts in Accounts Ledger.

Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in Accounts Ledger.

 If you want to print selective accounts in Accounts Ledger then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.    Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  

It will display selective account detail in Accounts Ledger.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print accounts selective accounts in Accounts Ledger.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

To set account type in Statement of Accounts, click on desired account type radio button in Account Type.

If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in Statement of Accounts.

If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  
It will display selective account detail in Statement of Accounts.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to excel then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. . Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to Excel button. It will export all account details to Excel.  

If you want to export selective account details to excel then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Excel button. It will export selective account details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

if you want to export details of all accounts to word then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all account details to Word.  

If you want to export selective account details to word then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Word button. It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

if you want to export details of all accounts to word then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all account details to Word.  

If you want to export selective account details to word then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to Word button. It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to export details of all accounts to PDF then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export all account details to PDF.  

If you want to export selective account details to PDF then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click Export to PDF button. It will export selective account details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Statement of Accounts”. Statement of Accounts page will be displayed.
To search account in Statement of Accounts with sub account details, check ““Show” sub account details” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Statement of Accounts with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check Show” uncleared cheques” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.  

If you want to print details of all accounts in Statement of Accounts then click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” input boxes will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.
It will display details of all accounts in Statement of Accounts.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in Statement of Accounts.

If you want to print selective accounts in Statement of Accounts then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Show” button.  
It will display selective account detail in Statement of Accounts.
Click "Print" button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print accounts selective accounts in Statement of Accounts.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the trial balance sheet.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check “Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check “Show uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
To set trail balance type, click the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. 
Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. 

Click “Show” button.

It will display the trial balance sheet.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”.

To set report type, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the trial balance sheet.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button.
It will export trial balance details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button.
It will export trial balance details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to Word button.
It will export trial balance details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click Export to PDF button.
It will export trial balance details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Trial Balance”. Trial Balance page will be displayed.
To search account in Trial Balance with sub account codes, check ““Show” Account Codes” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with account opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with control account details, check ““Show” Control Account also” check box or if you want to search account in Trial Balance with unclear cheque details, check ““Show” uncleared cheques” then check ““Show” uncleared cheques” check box and. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the trail balance type by clicking the radio button in “Trial Balance Type”. To select general trail balance, click “General Trial Balance” radio button and to select account trail balance, click “Account Trail Balance” radio button in trail balance type. Then select the report type by clicking the radio button in “Account Trail Balance”. To select summary report, click “Summary” radio button and to select summary detail, click “Detail” radio button in report type. Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the trial balance sheet.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be “Show”n for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
Select the statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To select statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Shown” button.
It will display the Profit Loss Statement.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
To set statement type click the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Shown” button.
It will display the Profit Loss Statement.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
To search statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button.
It will export Profit Loss Statement details to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
To search statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button.
It will export Profit Loss Statement details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
Search statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button.
It will export Profit Loss Statement details to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
To search statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button.
It will export Profit Loss Statement details to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Profit Loss Statement”. Profit Loss Statement page will be displayed.
To search the statement type by clicking the radio button in “Statement Type”. To search statement based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to search statement based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Statement Type. 
To search statement with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search statement with income first details, check ““Shown” Income” check box or if you want to search statement comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Shown” button.
It will display the Profit Loss Statement.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the Balance sheet.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
To set Balance sheet click the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the Balance sheet.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the Balance sheet.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear. Select the desired page number then it will display the selected page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button.
It will export Balance Sheet to Excel.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button.
It will export Balance Sheet to Word.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button.
It will export Balance Sheet to PDF.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Balance sheet”. Balance sheet page will be displayed.
Select the balance sheet by clicking the radio button in “Balance sheet”. To select balance sheet based on general ledger, click “Based on General Ledger” radio button and to select balance sheet based on accounts, click “Based on Accounts” radio button in Balance sheet. 
To search Balance sheet with opening balance details, check “With opening balance” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet with income first details, check ““Show” Income” check box or if you want to search Balance sheet comparing with last period details, check “Compare with last period” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query. 
Enter the date in period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display the Balance sheet.
Click "Print" button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Check Transactions". Check Transactions page will be displayed.

Select the transaction sheet by clicking the radio button in “check transaction ” page. 
Click Print button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Check Transactions". Check Transactions page will be displayed.

Select the transaction sheet by clicking the radio button in “check transaction ” page. 
Click Email button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to email .
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Budgeting”, then click “Budgeting Table”. “Budgeting Table” page will be displayed.
To enter entries in budgeting table, click on “Update” button. 

Click in column “Account code” input box then account list will be appeared. Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in column “Account Name” input box. 

Enter amount in column “January”,” February”,”March”,”April”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”August”,”September”,“October”,”November”,”December” input boxes then sum of all the amount will be displayed in column “Total Amount” input box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Budgeting”, then click “Budgeting Table”. “Budgeting Table” page will be displayed. 

Click on “Update” Button. 

To delete entry, click on “Delete” column against the desired entry.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Change Strings”. Change Strings page will be displayed.

Click the “Update” button on Change Strings page. 

If you want to change label of “Field” (Job Costing) in Invoices then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Job Costing 1 to Job Costing 7.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Code Setup”. Account code setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of account setup page.

If you want to set account code auto then check “Is code auto” check box or if you do not want to set account auto then uncheck “Is code auto” check box.
To set value of level of account, enter value in column “Value” input box against the desired level.   
Click “Save” button to save the information.

If account code is already in use in account master then a massage “It can be modified when Account Master is empty” will displayed on the top of account code setup page. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Code Setup”. Account code setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of account setup page.

If account code is already in use then  a massage will displayed on the top of account code setup page that " it can be modified when account master is empty". 

If you want to set account code auto then check “Is code auto” check box or if you do not want to set account auto then uncheck “Is code auto” check box.
To set value of level of account, enter value in column “Value” input box against the desired level.   

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Book Setup”. Account code setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of account book setup page.

You can set account code in column  “Account Code” input box against your desired account.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Profit Loss Group Setup”. Profit loss group setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of account setup page.

Enter class of account name in column “Class” input box against your desired account code. 
Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Balance Sheet Group Setup”. Balance sheet group setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of balance sheet group setup page.
If you want to update class of your desired account then click in column “Class” input box against your desired account. A list will be drop down then select your desired account.    

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Invoice Posting Setup”. Invoice posting setup page will be displayed.
Click in “Payment type” list box then payment list will be drop down. Select your desired payment type. Click on “Update” Button on the top of invoice posting setup.
If you want to set account code against your desired variable then click in column “Account code” list box then account code list will be drop down. Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in column “Account Name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 
Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable to maintain separate number for receipt and payments. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 
Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable to maintain separate number for Journal Voucher.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 

Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable the value of payment through Order only.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 

Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable the value of payment - Stop payment, if budget exceeds.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 

Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable the value of show post dated cheques due at login to the system.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 

Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable the value of show post paid cheques due at login to the system

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Account Variable Setup”. Account variable setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Account variable setup page. 

Check/Uncheck the check box in column “Value” to enable/disable the value of cost center levels required?.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “PLBS Group Names”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Receipts”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Payments”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Debit Notes”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Credit Notes”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Journal Voucher”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Invoices”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Bank Payments”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Bank Receipts”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Cash Payments”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of “Cash Receipts”, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.

Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Setup”, then click “Notification Setup”. Notification setup page will be displayed.
Click “Update” button on the top of notification setup page. 

You can update description by checking/unchecking the check box in column “Is Active” against desired description. You can enter days in column “Days Period” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Assets”. Fixed Assets page will be displayed.
Click on ““Add new”” button on the top of Fixed Assets page. 

Enter asset code in “Asset code” input box then enter asset name in “Asset name” input box.

To select calculation type click the radio button against desired calculation type in “Calculation type”.
If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

 Or if you want to select appreciation then click “Appreciation” button then appreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter appreciation code or click in “Appreciation Code” input box. Select the desired appreciation code then selected appreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box. 
 Enter Asset A/C code or click in “Asset A/C” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select your desired asset code then selected asset code will be appeared in “Asset A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.   

If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter location code or Type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Location Code” then it will auto display the location list. Select the desired location code then selected location name will be appeared in “Location Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button then value amount of the selected asset code will be appeared in “Book Value” and value date will be appeared in “Value As On” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Assets”. Fixed Assets page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Fixed Assets page. 

Enter asset code in “Asset code” input box then enter asset name in “Asset name” input box or if you want to enter customer name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then customer name box will be appeared.   

Enter customer name in your desired language and click on Proceed button to save the information.
To select calculation type click the radio button against desired calculation type in “Calculation type”.
If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Or if you want to select appreciation then click “Appreciation” button then appreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter appreciation code or click in “Appreciation Code” input box. Select the desired appreciation code then selected appreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box. 
 Enter Asset A/C code or click in “Asset A/C” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select your desired asset code then selected asset code will be    appeared in “Asset A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.   

If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter location code or Type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Location Code” then it will auto display the location list. Select the desired location code then selected location name will be appeared in “Location Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button then value amount of the selected asset code will be appeared in “Book Value” and value date will be appeared in “Value As On” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Assets”. Fixed Assets page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Fixed Assets page. 
Enter asset code in “Asset code” input box then enter asset name in “Asset name” input box or if you want to enter customer name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then customer name box will be appeared.   

Enter customer name in your desired language and click on Proceed button to save the information.
To select calculation type click the radio button agianst desired calculation type in “Calculation type”.
If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Or if you want to select appreciation then click “Appreciation” button then appreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter appreciation code or click in “Appreciation Code” input box. Select the desired appreciation code then selected appreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box. 
 Enter Asset A/C code or click in “Asset A/C” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select your desired asset code then selected asset code will be    appeared in “Asset A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.   

If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.

Enter asset account or click in “Asset Account” input box then asset account list will be drop down. Select your desired asset account then selected asset account will be appeared in “Asset Account Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter location code or Type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Location Code” then it will auto display the location list. Select the desired location code then selected location name will be appeared in “Location Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button then value amount of the selected asset code will be appeared in “Book Value” and value date will be appeared in “Value As On” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Assets”. Fixed Assets page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Fixed Assets page. 
Enter asset code in “Asset code” input box then enter asset name in “Asset name” input box or if you want to enter customer name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then customer name box will be appeared.   

Enter customer name in your desired language and click on Proceed button to save the information.
To select calculation type click the radio button against desired calculation type in “Calculation type”.
If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

Or if you want to select appreciation then click “Appreciation” button then appreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter appreciation code or click in “Appreciation Code” input box. Select the desired appreciation code then selected appreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter Asset A/C code or click in “Asset A/C” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select your desired asset code then selected asset code will be    appeared in “Asset A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.   

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

Enter location code or Type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Location Code” then it will auto display the location list. Select the desired location code then selected location name will be appeared in “Location Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button then value amount of the selected asset code will be appeared in “Book Value” and value date will be appeared in “Value As On” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Assets”. Fixed Assets page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Fixed Assets page. 
Enter asset code in “Asset code” input box then enter asset name in “Asset name” input box or if you want to enter customer name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then customer name box will be appeared.   

Enter customer name in your desired language and click on “Proceed” button to save the information.
To select calculation type click the radio button against desired calculation type in “Calculation type”.
If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

Or if you want to select appreciation then click “Appreciation” button then appreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter appreciation code or click in “Appreciation Code” input box. Select the desired appreciation code then selected appreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter Asset A/C code or click in “Asset A/C” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select your desired asset code then selected asset code will be    appeared in “Asset A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.   

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

If you want to select depreciation then click “Depreciation” radio button then depreciation queries will be appeared in the page. Enter Depreciation code or click in “Depreciation Code” input box. Select the desired Depreciation code then selected Depreciation code will be appeared in “Appreciation A/C Name” input box. Enter provision account code or click in “Provision A/C” input box then provision code list will be drop down. Select your desired provision code then selected provision code will be appeared in “Provision A/C Name” input box.
If you want to select percentage calculation type, then click “Percentage” radio button and enter percentage in percentage input box or if you want to select amount calculation type then click “Amount” radio button then enter amount in “Amount” input box.  

Enter asset code or click in “Asset Account” input box, then it asset code list will be drop down. Select the required asset account then selected account name will be displayed in “Asset Account Name” input box.  

Enter location code or Type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Location Code” then it will auto display the location list. Select the desired location code then selected location name will be appeared in “Location Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button then value amount of the selected asset code will be appeared in “Book Value” and value date will be appeared in “Value As On” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Locations”. Locations page will be displayed.

Click on “Add new” button Locations page then pop-up will appear.
Enter location code in “Location Code” input box then enter name in “Name” input box.

 Click “OK” button to save the information then the save information will be appeared in the grid in locations page.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Locations”. Locations page will be displayed.
To edit the location, click “Edit” button in “Option” column against the desired location in the grid then a pop-up will be appeared.
Edit the desired data and click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Master”, then click “Locations”. Locations page will be displayed.
To delete the location, click "Delete" button in “Option” column against the desired location in the grid then a pop-up will be appeared.
Click “OK” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Asset Transaction page.
Enter asset code or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Asset code” input box then it will auto display asset code list. Select the desired code then selected asset code name will be displayed in “Asset name” input box. After selecting the asset code, the asset account code will be appeared in “Asset Account” input box and asset account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Select transaction type by clicking in “Transaction Type” input box then transaction type list will be displayed. Select the desired transaction type.
 Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter amount in “Purchase Value” input box then enter description in “Description” input box.
Enter credit account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Credit account” input box then it will auto display credit account list. Select the desired credit account then selected credit account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.
Select transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in Asset Transaction page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click on "Load" button.
To set asset code, enter asset code or click in “Asset code” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select the desired asset code then selected asset code name will be displayed in “Asset name” input box. After selecting the asset code, the asset account code will be appeared in “Asset Account” input box and asset account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Select transaction type by clicking in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter amount in “Purchase Value” input box then enter description in “Description” input box.
Enter credit account or click in “Credit account” input box then credit account list will be drop down. Select your desired credit account then selected credit account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.
Select transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in Asset Transaction page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
To set asset code, enter asset code or click in “Asset code” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select the desired asset code then selected asset code name will be displayed in “Asset name” input box. After selecting the asset code, the asset account code will be appeared in “Asset Account” input box and asset account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.

Select transaction type by clicking in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter amount in “Purchase Value” input box then enter description in “Description” input box.
Enter credit account or click in “Credit account” input box then credit account list will be drop down. Select your desired credit account then selected credit account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.
Select transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in Asset Transaction page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
To set asset code, enter asset code or click in “Asset code” input box then asset code list will be drop down. Select the desired asset code then selected asset code name will be displayed in “Asset name” input box. After selecting the asset code, the asset account code will be appeared in “Asset Account” input box and asset account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Select transaction type by clicking in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter amount in “Purchase Value” input box then enter description in “Description” input box.
Enter credit account or click in “Credit account” input box then credit account list will be drop down. Select your desired credit account then selected credit account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.
Select transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Delete” button in Asset Transaction page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click Asset “Transactions’. Asset Transactions page will be displayed.

Select transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Print” button in Asset Transaction page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click Maintenance. Maintenance page will be displayed.

Click on “Add new” button in Maintenance page.
Enter code in “Code” input box. Select maintenance type by clicking in “Maintenance Type” input box then it will display maintenance type list. Select the desired maintenance type. 

If You select the vehicle in maintenance type then enter the name of vehicle in “Name” input box. You can enter the name of vehicle in different language. To enter the name of vehicle in different language, click on the “Manage Name” Button against “Name” input box then there will appear a massage box.

Select the desired language and click Proceed button. Enter registration number in “Registration number” input box then enter registration date in “Registration date” input box then enter registration expiry date in “Expiry” input box. Enter chassis number in “Chassis number” input box. 

Enter the maintenance date in “Last Maintenance” when the vehicle was maintained last time. 

Enter other details in “Other Details” input box. Enter expenses account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Expenses account” input box then it will auto display account list.
Select the desired account then selected expenses account name will be displayed in “ Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click Maintenance. Maintenance page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Update” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then it will display your desired maintenance transaction. 
Select maintenance type by clicking in “Maintenance Type” input box then it will display maintenance type list.

Select the desired maintenance type. If You select the vehicle in maintenance type then enter the name of vehicle in “Name” input box. You can enter the name of vehicle in different language. To enter the name of vehicle in different language, click on the “Manage Name” button against “Name” input box then there will appear a massage box. Select the desired language and click "Proceed" button.

Enter registration number in “Registration number” input box then enter registration date in “Registration date” input box then enter registration expiry date in “Expiry” input box. Enter chassis number in “Chassis number” input box.

Enter the maintenance date when the vehicle was maintained last time. Enter other details in “Other Details” input box. Enter expenses account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Expenses account” input box then it will auto display account list. 
Select the desired account then selected expenses account name will be displayed in “ Name” input box.

Click “Save" button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.

Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Update” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then it will display your desired maintenance transaction. 
Enter registration date in “Registration Date” input box. 

Click “Save" button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in Maintenance page.
Enter code in “Code” input box. Select maintenance type by clicking in “Maintenance Type” input box then it will display maintenance type list. Select the desired maintenance type. 

If You select the vehicle in maintenance type then enter the name of vehicle in “Name” input box. You can enter the name of vehicle in different language. To enter the name of vehicle in different language, click on the “Manage Name” Button against “Name” input box then there will appear a massage box.

Select the desired language and click "Proceed" button. Enter registration number in “Registration number” input box then enter registration date in “Registration date” input box then enter registration expiry date in “Expiry” input box. Enter chassis number in “Chassis number” input box. 

Enter the maintenance date in “Last Maintainance” when the vehicle was maintained last time. 

Enter other details in “Other Details” input box. Enter expenses account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Expenses account” input box then it will auto display account list.
Select the desired account then selected expenses account name will be displayed in “ Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Update” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then it will display your desired maintenance transaction. 
Select maintenance type by clicking in “Maintenance Type” input box then it will display maintenance type list.

Select the desired maintenance type. If You select the vehicle in maintenance type then enter the name of vehicle in “Name” input box. You can enter the name of vehicle in different language. To enter the name of vehicle in different language, click on the “Manage Name” button against “Name” input box then there will appear a massage box. Select the desired language and click "Proceed" button.

Enter registration number in “Registration number” input box then enter registration date in “Registration date” input box then enter registration expiry date in “Expiry” input box. Enter chassis number in “Chassis number” input box.

Enter the maintenance date when the vehicle was maintained last time. Enter other details in “Other Details” input box. Enter expenses account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Expenses account” input box then it will auto display account list. 
Select the desired account then selected expenses account name will be displayed in “ Name” input box.

Click “Save" button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Update” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then it will display your desired maintenance transaction. 
Enter registration date in “Registration Date” input box. 

Click “Save" button to save the information. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Update” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then it will display your desired maintenance transaction. 
Enter the maintenance date in “Last Maintainance” when the vehicle was maintained last time. 

Enter other details in “Other Details” input box. Enter expenses account or type a letter or press F2 or Double click in “Expenses account” input box then it will auto display account list. Select the desired account then selected expenses account name will be displayed in “ Name” input box.

Click “Save" button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Delete” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Masters”, then click “Maintenance”. “Maintenance” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction by navigation bar or click “Print” button. Enter code in “Code” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button in “Maintenance Expenses” page.
Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then enter document date in “Document Date” input box.

In the grid, enter maintenance code or click in column“Maintenance Code” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column“Maintenance Name”input box. 
Enter amount in “Amount” input box then click in “Description” input box. Select your desired description type.

Click in column“Debit account” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column”Account Name”. 

Enter cost center code or click in column “Cost center code”input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the desired cost center then selected account name will be displayed in column “Cost center name” input box. 

Click “Save” button then voucher number will be sysmetically generated and shown in “Voucher number” input box.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
In the grid, enter maintenance code or click in column“Maintenance Code” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column“Maintenance Name”input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
In the grid, enter maintenance code or click in column“Maintenance Code” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column“Maintenance Name”input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
Enter amount in “Amount” input box then click in “Description” input box. Select your desired desription type.

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
Click in column“Debit account” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column”Account Name”. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
Enter cost center code or click in column “Cost center code”input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the desired cost center then selected account name will be displayed in column “Cost center name” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
Click in column“Credit account” input box then drop down list will be filled with results against your search. Select the account then selected account name will be displayed in column”Account Name”. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Update” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
Click in column“Delete” against the deisred entry then it will delete the entry. 

 Click “Save” button to save the information.  
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Delete” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Maintenance Expenses”. “Maintenance Expenses” page will be displayed.
Select the desired maintenance transaction type by clicking Navigation bar or Click on “Print” button in maintenance expenses page. Enter document number in “Doc Number” input box then click on “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation Calculation”. “Depreciation Calculation” page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Starting Date” input box then enter ending date in “Ending Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box then click “Calculate” button. 
It will display calculation history. If you want to view transaction details then click “Show” button in “Option1” column. It will display all the transaction details, or if you want to remove the transaction then click “Remove” button in “Option 2” column. A prompt will be appeared for conformation. Click “OK” button to remove the transaction.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation Calculation”. “Depreciation Calculation” page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Starting Date” input box then enter ending date in “Ending Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box then click “Calculate” button. 
It will display calculation history. If you want to view transaction details then click “Show” button in “Option1” column. It will display all the transaction details.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation Calculation”. “Depreciation Calculation” page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Starting Date” input box then enter ending date in “Ending Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box then click “Calculate” button. 
It will display calculation history. If you want to view transaction details then click “Show” button in “Option1” column. It will display all the transaction details.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to print.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation Calculation”. “Depreciation Calculation” page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Starting Date” input box then enter ending date in “Ending Date” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box then click “Calculate” button. 
It will display calculation history. If you want to view transaction details then click “Show” button in “Option1” column. It will display all the transaction details.

Click “Email” button. It will email selective account details.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation Calculation”. “Depreciation Calculation” page will be displayed.
It will display calculation history. if you want to remove the transaction then click “Remove” button in “Option 2” column. A prompt will be appeared for conformation.
Click “OK” button to remove the transaction.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Show” button. It will display the desired depreciation statement details.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Show” button. It will display the desired depreciation statement details.
Click “Print” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to print. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Show” button. It will display the desired depreciation statement details.
Click “Email” button then it will email information.

Click “OK” button to print. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Export to Excel” button. It will export all transaction details to Excel. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Export to Word” button. It will export all transaction details to Word. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Depreciation statement”. Depreciation statement page will be displayed.
To view depreciation statement, click on “Select” button in “Report” column against the desired voucher number. Click on “Export to PDF” button. It will export all transaction details to PDF. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click "Show" button.
It will display details of transactions in asset listing.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset listing.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.

 To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
To set report type with all account details, click “All” radio button in then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in asset listing.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset listing.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button. It will export all account details to Excel.  

If you want to export selective account details to excel then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Export to Excel” button. 

It will export selective account details to Excel.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all account details to Word.  

If you want to export selective account details to Word then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Export to Word” button. 

It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export all account details to PDF.  

If you want to export selective account details to PDF then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Then enter account code or click in “To” Account Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes and click “Export to PDF” button.  

It will export selective account details to PDF.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
To print all accounts in asset listing, click “All” radio button in “Report Type”, then Asset code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of asset listing.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in Asset Listing.

If you want to print selective account in asset listing then click “Particular” radio Button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset name” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset listing.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print selective accounts in Asset Listing.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Transactions”, then click “Asset Listing”. “Asset Listing” page will be displayed.
To view Assets Listing report with sub book value, check “Show Book Value” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with location details, check “Show Location” check box or if you want to view Assets Listing report with account information details, check “Show Account Information” check box. You can set desired search by checking or unchecking the check box against the required query.
To print all accounts in asset listing, click “All” radio button in “Report Type”, then Asset code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Click “Show” button.
It will display details of asset listing.
Click “Email” button. Then it will email all transaction details.

If you want to email selective account in asset listing then click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset name” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset listing.
Click “Email” button.

Then it will email selective accounts of Asset Listing.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in asset ledger.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in assets ledger.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
To set Report Type, click the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in asset ledger.
If you want to search selective account in asset ledger then click “Particular” radio Button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in assets ledger.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then” Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. Asset Ledger page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button. It will export all accounts in assets ledger to Excel.
If you want to export selective account details to Word, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Click “Export to Excel” button. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. It will export selective account details to Excel.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all accounts in assets ledger to Word.
If you want to export selective account details to Word, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export selective account details to Word.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export all accounts in assets ledger to PDF.
If you want to export selective account details to PDF, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export selective account details to PDF.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in asset ledger.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in Asset Listing.

If you want to print selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in assets ledger.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print selective accounts in Asset Listing.

If you want to print selective account in asset listing then click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset name” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset listing.
Click “Print” button.

The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 

Click “OK” button to print selective accounts in Asset Listing.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Ledger”. “Asset Ledger” page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in asset ledger.
Click “email” button.
Then it will email all accounts of Asset Listing.

If you want to email selective account then click “Particular” radio button in Account Type. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in assets ledger.
Click “Email” button.

Then it will email the selective accounts of Asset Listing.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” Button.
It will display details all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.
If you want to search selective account then click “Particular” radio Button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” Button.
It will display selective account detail in asset transaction listing.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” Button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
To set Report Type, click the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click "Show" button.
It will display details all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.
If you want to search selective account in report type then click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset transaction listing.
You can set page size by clicking on “Page size” check box then page size list will appear. Select the page size. If you want to go to next page then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” check box then page list will appear then select the page number. 
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
To set Report Type, click the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Excel” button. It will export all accounts in asset transaction listing to Excel.
If you want to export selective account details to Word, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Click “Export to Excel” button. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. It will export selective account details in asset transaction listing to Excel.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
To set Report Type, click the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to Word” button. It will export all accounts in asset transaction listing to Word.

If you want to export selective account details to Word, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box.Click “Export to Word” button. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. It will export selective account details in asset transaction listing to Word.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
To set Report Type, click the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Export to PDF” button. It will export all accounts in asset transaction listing to PDF.
If you want to export selective account details to PDF, click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Click “Export to PDF” button. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. It will export selective account details in asset transaction listing to PDF.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio button then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.
Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” button to print all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.

If you want to print selective account then click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset transaction listing.

Click “Print” button.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. Click “OK” Button to print selective accounts in Asset Listing.
Click on the “Fixed Assets”, then “Reports”, then click “Asset Transaction Listing”. Asset Transaction Listing page will be displayed.
Select the Report Type by clicking the radio button in “Report Type”. If you want to select all account, click “All” radio then Account code “From” and “To” will be disabled. Enter date in Period “From” and “To” input boxes. Click “Show” button.
It will display details all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.
Click “Email” button.

Then it email all accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.

If you want to email selective account then click “Particular” radio button in “Report Type”. Enter account code or click in “From” Account Code input box then Asset list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter account code or click in “To” Asset Code input box then account list will be appeared. Select the desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Asset Name” input box. Enter date in period “From” and “To” input box. Click “Show” button.
It will display selective account detail in asset transaction listing.
Click “Email” button.

Then it email selective accounts in Asset Transaction Listing.
Click on the "Inventory", then "Masters", then click "Units". "Units" page will be displayed.

Click the "Add new" button, pop-up will be appeared.

To add new unit, enter unit name in “Name” input box. Click "OK" button to save the information, then new unit code will be systemically generated and name will be shown in the grid on Units page.

Note: Auto generation of "Unit Code" can be enabled/disabled from "Starting Number Setup" page under "Setup" of "Inventory" module.
Click on the "Inventory", then "Masters", then click "Units". Units page will be displayed.

Click on "Edit" Icon in Grid then units information will be displayed in pop-up. 

To edit unit, click in “Name” input box, update the name. Click "OK" button to save the information.

Note: Auto generation of "Unit Code" can be enabled/disabled from "Starting Number Setup" page under "Setup" of "Inventory" module.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Units”. Units page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” Icon against the desired country in Grid then prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 
Click "OK" button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “button  on Item Card page.
To add item at Root, check “Add this item at Root” check box or if you don’t want to add this item at root then uncheck “Add this item at Root” check box.
To add sub item support, check “Sub item Support” check box or if you don’t want to add this item at root then uncheck “Sub item Support” check box. Enter name in “Item Name” input box or if you want to enter item name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter item name in your desired language. 

Click “Proceed” button to save  the information.

Click in “Item Type” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired item type. 
Enter description in “Description” input box then enter equivalent item name in “Equivalent Item” input box. 
Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier Code” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be displayed in “Supplier Name” input box.

If you want to hold the item from sale then check “Hold the items from sale?” check box or if you don’t want to hold the item from sale then un check “Hold the items from sale? “ check box.

 To add picture of item, click “+” icon then “Choose File” button  will be appeared. Click on Choose "File" button  and select the picture then selected picture will be displayed. 
To tag the item, click on "IDS" button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter tag id in “ID” input box. You can assign up to 6 tags. Click “OK” button to save  the information.

To manage units of item, click "Manage Units" button then manage units prompt box will be appeared.
You can Set item unit packing by clicking in column “Packing” input box, then packing list will be appeared. Select your desired packing unit. Enter weight or unit of item in column “Weight/Unit” input box then enter cost price in column “Cost Price” input box. Enter average cost in in column “Average Cost” input box. Enter retail percentage in column “Retail %” input box then retail price will be shown in column “Retail Price” input box. Enter whole sale percentage in column “Wholesale %” input box then whole sale price will be shown in column “While sale Price” input box. Enter distributor percentage in column “Distributor” input box then distributor price will be shown in “Distributor” input box.

To “Add new “unit, click “Add Unit” button then new unit row will be appeared in the box.
Click “Done” button to add unit.

Click “Save” button on item card page to save the information then item code will be systemically generated and will be show in “Item code” input box.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “item code” or select the item in list bar in which you want to add sub item and click on “Add new“ button on Item Card page.
To add item at Root, check “Add this item at Root” check box or if you don’t want to add this item at root then uncheck “Add this item at Root” check box.
To add sub item support, check “Sub item Support” check box or if you don’t want to add this item at root then uncheck “Sub item Support” check box. Enter name in “Item Name” input box or if you want to enter item name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter item name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click in “Item Type” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired item type. 
Enter description in “Description” input box then enter equivalent item name in “Equivalent Item” input box. 
Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier Code” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be displayed in “Supplier Name” input box.

If you want to hold the item from sale then check “Hold the items from sale?” check box or if you don’t want to hold the item from sale then uncheck “Hold the items from sale? “ check box.

To add picture of item, click “+” icon then “Choose File” button will be appeared. Click on Choose File button  and select the picture then selected picture will be displayed. 
To tag the item, click on "IDS" button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter tag id in “ID” input box. You can assign up to 6 tags. Click “OK” button to save the information.

To manage units of item, click "Manage Units" button then manage units prompt box will be appeared.
You can Set item unit packing by clicking in column “Packing” input box, then packing list will be appeared. Select your desired packing unit. Enter weight or unit of item in column “Weight/Unit” input box then enter cost price in column “Cost Price” input box. Enter average cost in in column “Average Cost” input box. Enter retail percentage in column “Retail %” input box then retail price will be shown in column “Retail Price” input box. Enter whole sale percentage in column “Wholesale %” input box then whole sale price will be shown in column “While sale Price” input box. Enter distributor percentage in column “Distributor” input box then distributor price will be shown in “Distributor” input box.

To “Add new “unit, click “Add Unit” button then new unit row will be appeared in the box.
Click “Done” button to add unit.

Click “Save” button on item card page to save the information then item code will be systemically generated and will be show in “Item code” input box.
You can add 9 nested levels (1account, 8sub accounts). To add sub item in item, click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “item code” or select the item in list bar in which you want to add sub item and click on “Add new“button on Item Card page.
You can set up to maximum 9 nested levels.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “item code” or select the item in list bar in which you want to edit name. Click on “Update” button on item card page.

Enter name in “Item Name” input box or if you want to enter item name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter item name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “item code” or select the item in list bar in which you want to set sub item support. Click on “Update” button on item card page.
To add sub item support, check “Sub item Support” check box or if you don’t want to add this item with sub item support then uncheck “Sub item Support” check box.
Click “Save" button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter account code in “Item code” or select the item in list bar in which you want to Set item type. Click on “Update” button  on item card page.
Click in “Item type” input box will be filled with your search. Select your desired item type. Select the desired account type in the list bar.

Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to Set supplier code. Click on “Update” button on item card page.
Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier Code” input box will display drop down list against your search. Select your desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be displayed in “Supplier Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to hold item from sale. Click on “Update” button on item card page.
If you want to hold the item from sale then check “Hold the items from sale?” check box or if you don’t want to hold the item from sale then uncheck “Hold the items from sale?” check box.

Click“Save" button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to add picture. Click on “Update” button on item card page.
To add picture of item, click “+” icon then “Choose File” button will be appeared. Click on "Choose File" button and select the picture then selected picture will be displayed. 

Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to Set tag. Click on “Update” button     on item card page.
Click on “IDS” icon then tag prompt box will be appeared.

Enter tag id in “ID” input box. You can assign up to 6 tags. Click “OK” button to save the information.

Click "Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want Set item units. Click on “Update” button on item card page.
To manage units of item, click “Manage Units” icon then Manage Units prompt box will be appeared.
You can Set item unit packing by clicking in column “Packing” input box, then packing list will be appeared. Select your desired packing unit. Enter weight or unit of item in column “Weight/Unit” input box then enter cost price in column ““Cost Price”” input box. Enter average cost in in column “Average Cost” input box. Enter retail percentage in column “Retail %” input box then retail price will be shown in column “Retail Price” input box. Enter whole sale percentage in column “Wholesale %” input box then whole sale price will be shown in column “While sale Price” input box. Enter distributor percentage in column “Distributor” input box then distributor price will be shown in “Distributor” input box.
To “Add new “unit, click “Add Unit” button then new unit row will be appeared in the box.
Click “Done” button to add unit.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to add units. Click on “Update” button     on item card page.
To manage units of item, click “Manage Units” icon then Manage Units prompt box will be appeared.

To “Add new “unit, click “Add Unit” button then new unit row will be appeared in the box.
You can add item unit packing by clicking in column “Packing” input box, then packing list will be appeared. Select your desired packing unit. Enter unit code in column “Unit Code” input box. Enter weight or unit of item in column “Weight/Unit” input box then enter cost price in column ““Cost Price”” input box. Enter average cost in in column “Average Cost” input box. Enter retail percentage in column “Retail %” input box then retail price will be shown in column “Retail Price” input box. Enter whole sale percentage in column “Wholesale %” input box then whole sale price will be shown in column “While sale Price” input box. Enter distributor percentage in column “Distributor” input box then distributor price will be shown in “Distributor” input box.
Click “Done” button to add unit.

Click “Save” button on item card page to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to delete item. Click on Delete button on item card page.
The prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.
Click "Ok" button to delete. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Item Card”. Item Card page will be displayed.
Enter item code in “Item code” or select the account in list bar in which you want to print. Click on “Print” button on item card page.
Then prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation.  
Click "Ok" button to print.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales areas”. Sales areas page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button, pop-up will be appeared.
To Add new “Sales area”,enter area name in “Name” input box. Click "OK" button to save the information, then new sales area code will be systemically generated and name will be shown in the grid in units page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales areas”. Sales areas page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” icon, pop-up will be appeared.
Enter area enter area name in “Name” input box. Click "OK" button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales areas”. Sales areas page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” Icon against the desired sales area in Grid then prompt dialog will be shown for confirmation. 
Click "OK" button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Warehouse”. Warehouse page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “ button on Warehouse page.

To add this item at Root, check “Add this item at Root” check box or if you don’t want to add this item at root then uncheck “Add this item at Root” check box.
Enter warehouse name in “Warehouse Name” input box or if you want to enter item name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter item name in your desired language. 

Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
To add sub warehouse support, check “Sub Warehouse Support” check box.

Click “Save” button on warehouse page to save the information then warehouse code will be systemically generated and will be show in “Warehouse code” input box.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Warehouse”. Warehouse page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code in “Warehouse code” or select the warehouse in list bar in which you want to add sub warehouse support and click on “Update” button  on warehouse page.
To add sub warehouse support, check “Sub Warehouse Support” check box.
Click “Save” button on item card page to save the information then item code will be systemically generated and will be show in “Item code” input box.
You can add 9 nested levels (1account, 8sub accounts). To add sub item in item, click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Warehouse”. Warehouse page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code in “Warehouse code” or select the warehouse in list bar in which you want to add sub warehouse support and click on “Update” button on warehouse page.
You can Set up to maximum 9 nested levels.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Warehouse”. Warehouse page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse/Sub Warehouse code in “Warehouse code” or select the warehouse/Sub Warehouse in list bar. Click “Delete” button on warehouse page then prompt box will be appeared. 

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Warehouse”. Warehouse page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse/Sub Warehouse code in “Warehouse code” input box or select the warehouse/Sub Warehouse in list bar. Click “Print” button on warehouse page then prompt box will be appeared. 

Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on suppliers page.

Enter name in “Supplier Name” input box or if you want to enter supplier name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter supplier name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter supplier’s country name or click in “Country” input box then countries name list will be shown, select your desired country. Enter supplier’s post box no in “Post Box” input box. Enter supplier’s city name in “City” input box then enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter supplier’s address in “Address” input box.    
Enter supplier’s phone no in “Phone 1” input box then enter supplier’s second phone no in “Phone 2” input box. Enter supplier’s email address in “Email 1” input box then enter supplier’s second email address in “Email 2” input box. Enter supplier’s fax no in “Fax 1” input box then enter supplier’s second email address in “Email 2” input box.  
Enter supplier’s first reference name in “Reference 1” input box then enter supplier’s second reference name in “Reference 2” input box. Enter supplier’s first reference phone no in “Reference 1 – Phone” input box then enter supplier’s second reference phone no in “Reference 2 – Phone” input box. Enter supplier’s first reference email address in “Reference 1 - Email” input box then enter supplier’s second reference email address in “Reference 2 - Email” input box. Enter supplier’s security amount in “Security amount” input box then enter discount percentage in “Discount percentage” input box. Enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then enter credit limit in “Credit limit” input box.

Enter account code or click in “Account Code” input box then account list will be shown.  Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control   Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.
If you want to stop dealing with supplier then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with supplier then uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Supplier detail will be appeared. 
Enter name in “Supplier Name” input box or if you want to enter supplier name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter supplier name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Supplier detail will be appeared. 
Enter account code or click in “Account Code” input box then account list will be shown.  Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. 

If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control   Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.

Select your desired account and click “Save” button in pop-up.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Supplier detail will be appeared. 

If you want to stop dealing with supplier then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with supplier then uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click“Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Suppliers detail will be appeared. 
Enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then enter credit limit in “Credit limit” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click ““Load”” button. Selected Suppliers detail will be appeared. 
Enter security amount in “Security amount” input box then enter discount percentage in “Discount percentage” input box. 
 Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Delete” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click ““Load”” button then prompt box will be appeared for confirmation.

Click “OK” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Suppliers”. Suppliers page will be displayed.
Select Supplier by Navigation Bar or click on “Print” button. 
Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” input box then click “Load” button then prompt box will be appeared for confirmation.

Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button  on Customers page.
Enter name in “Customers Name” input box or if you want to enter Customers name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter Customers name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter Customers country name or click in “Country” input box then countries name list will be shown, select your desired country. Enter Customers post box no in “Post Box” input box. Enter Customers city name in “City” input box then enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter Customers address in “Address” input box.    
Enter Customers phone no in “Phone 1” input box then enter Customers second phone no in “Phone 2” input box. Enter Customers email address in “Email 1” input box then enter Customers second email address in “Email 2” input box. Enter Customers fax no in “Fax 1” input box then enter Customers second email address in “Email 2” input box.  
Enter Customers first reference name in “Reference 1” input box then enter Customers second reference name in “Reference 2” input box. Enter Customers first reference phone no in “Reference 1 – Phone” input box then enter Customers second reference phone no in “Reference 2 – Phone” input box. Enter Customers first reference email address in “Reference 1 - Email” input box then enter Customers second reference email address in “Reference 2 - Email” input box. Enter Customers security amount in “Security amount” input box then enter discount percentage in “Discount percentage” input box. Enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box. 
Enter security amount in “Security amount” input box then enter credit limit in “Credit Limit” input box.   
Enter discount limit in “Discount Limit” input box then enter discount on payment in “Discount on Payment” input box.

Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input  

Enter sales area code or click in “Sales area code” input box then sales area code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales area code then selected sales area name will be appeared in “Sales Area ame” input box.  

If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control   Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.

If you want to stop dealing with Customers then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with Customers then, uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Enter name in “Customers Name” input box or if you want to enter Customers name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter Customers name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Enter account code or click in “Control Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account then selected account code name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control   Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button . Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
If you want to stop dealing with Customers then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with Customers then uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 

Enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then enter credit limit in “Credit limit” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Enter discount limit in “Discount Limit” input box then enter discount on payment in “Discount on Payment” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Enter security amount in “Security amount” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 

Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 

Enter sales area code or click in “Sales area code” input box then sales area code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales area code then selected sales area name will be appeared in “Sales Area name” input box.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 
Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Customers”. Customers page will be displayed.
Select Customer by Navigation Bar or click on “Update” button. 

Enter Customers code in “Customers Code” input box then click “Load” button. Selected Customers detail will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on Salesman page.

Enter name in “Salesman Name” input box or if you want to enter salesman name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter salesman name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter salesman’s pending bills in “Pending Bills” input box then enter discount limit in “Discount Limit” input box. Enter credit limit in “Credit limit” input box then enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse code” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box.  

Enter sales target 1 in “Sales Target 1” input box then enter commission on target 1 in “Commission on Target 1” input box. Enter sales target 2 in “Sales Target 2” input box then enter commission on target 2 in “Commission on Target 2” input box. Enter sales target 3 in “Sales Target 3” input box then enter commission on target 3 in “Commission on Target 3” input box. Enter sales target 4 in “Sales Target 4” input box then enter commission on target 4 in “Commission on Target 4” input box. Enter sales target 5 in “Sales Target 5” input box then enter commission on target 5 in “Commission on Target 5” input box. 
If you want to stop dealing with Salesman then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with salesman then, uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Selected salesman detail will be appeared. Click in “Salesman Name” input box Enter name in “Salesman Name” input box or if you want to enter salesman name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter salesman name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.

Enter discount limit in “Discount Limit” input box then enter credit limit in “Credit Limit” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select the desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter pending bills of salesman in “Pending Bills” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter sales target in “Sales Target” input box then enter commission on target in “Commission on Target” input box. You can Set up to 5 sales targets and commission on targets.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.
If you want to stop dealing with Salesman then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with salesman then, uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Salesman”. Salesman page will be displayed.
Select the salesman by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on Salesman page.
Enter salesman code in “Salesman Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter landline no of salesman in “Landline” input box then enter mobile no of salesman in “Mobile” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on sales collectors page.

Enter sales collector name in “Collector Name” input box or if you want to enter sales collector name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter collector name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter collector’s country name or click in “Country” input box then countries name list will be shown, select your desired country. Enter collector’s post box no in “Post Box” input box. Enter collector’s city name in “City” input box then enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter collector’s address in “Address” input box.    
Enter collector’s phone no in “Phone” input box then enter collector’s email address in “Email” input box.  

Enter collector’s first reference name in “Reference 1” input box then enter collector’s second reference name in “Reference 2” input box. Enter collector’s first reference phone no in “Reference 1 – Phone” input box then enter collector’s second reference phone no in “Reference 2 – Phone” input box. Enter collector’s first reference email address in “Reference 1 - Email” input box then enter collector’s second reference email address in “Reference 2 - Email” input box. Enter collector’s security amount in “Security amount” input box then enter commission percentage in “Commission percentage” input box. 

Enter account code or click in “Account Code” input box then account list will be shown. Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.
Click “Save” button to create new account.

If you want to stop dealing with sales collector then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with sales collector then, uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter sales collector name in “Collector Name” input box or if you want to enter sales collector name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter collector name in your desired language. 
Click “Proceed” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.

Enter collector’s security amount in “Security amount” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter commission percentage in “Commission percentage” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter account code or click in “Account Code” input box then account list will be shown. Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box. If you want to create new account then click on “Create” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter account code or click in “Control Account Code” input box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account and click “Save” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Update” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.
If you want to stop dealing with sales collector then check “Stop Dealing?” check box or if you do not want to stop dealing with sales collector then, uncheck “Stop Dealing?” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Delete” button on Sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.  
A prompt box will be displayed for confirmation.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Collectors”. Sales Collectors page will be displayed.
Select the sales collectors by Navigation Bar or click the “Print” button on sales collectors page.  
Enter collector code in “Collector Code” input box then click “Load” button.  
A prompt box will be displayed for confirmation.
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Group”. Sales Group page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on sales group page.
Enter group name in “Group Name” input box or if you want to enter group name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon. A prompt box will appeared. Enter group name in your desired language and click “Proceed” button.
Click on “Add new “Item button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item code name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then Set the parameter of quantity in next input box. Click in “Price” input box then price drop down list will be appeared. Select your desired price type. Enter quantity of item in next input box then amount of item will be appeared in “Amount” input box and cost amount of item will be appeared in “Cost Amount” input box. 
Click “OK” button then all information will be appeared in the grid in sales group page. 
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Group”. Sales Group page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on sales group page.

Enter group name in “Group Code” input box then click “Load” button.

Enter group name in “Group Name” input box or if you want to enter group name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon. A prompt box will appeared. Enter group name in your desired language and click “Proceed” button.
Click on “Add new “ Item button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item code name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then Set the parameter of quantity in next input box. Click in “Price” input box then price drop down list will be appeared. Select your desired price type. Enter quantity of item in next input box then amount of item will be appeared in “Amount” input box and cost amount of item will be appeared in “Cost Amount” input box. 
Click “OK” button  then all information will be appeared in the grid in sales group page. 
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Group”. Sales Group page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on sales group page.

Enter group code in “Group Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Sales Group”. Sales Group page will be displayed.
Click the “Delete” button on sales group page.

Enter group code in “Group Code” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be displayed for confirmation.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Inventory Opening Stock”. Inventory Opening Stock page will be displayed.
Click the “View” button on inventory opening stock page.
Enter warehouse code in “Warehouse code” input box then entered warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. Enter item code or item name in “Item code or Item name” input box and click “Search” button then selected item name or code list will be appeared in “Search Results” input box.

Enter date in “Balance As On” input box if you want to view item detail within required date Select your desired item then item detail will be displayed on the page. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Masters”, then click “Inventory Opening Stock”. Inventory Opening Stock page will be displayed.
Click the “View” button on inventory opening stock page.
Enter warehouse code in “Warehouse code” input box then warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. Enter date in “Balance As On” input box, if you want to view accounts within required date.
Click on “Show All Item” button then all item in selected warehouse will be displayed. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of purchase quotation page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter purchase quotation last valid date in “Valid Up to” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box. 
Click on “Add new “ Item button then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box. Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save the information then purchase quotation details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on purchase quotation page. 

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Select purchase quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of purchase quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Select purchase quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of purchase quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, double click on the desired entry then “Edit” prompt box will be appeared. Edit your desired data and click OK button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Select purchase quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of purchase quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 

In the grid, click on Delete icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Select purchase quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of purchase quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 

A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Purchase Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Quotation”. Purchase Quotation page will be displayed.
Select purchase quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of purchase quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Purchase Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Purchase Order page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter Purchase Order last valid date in “Valid Up to” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box. 
Click on “Add new “Item button then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box. Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save the information then Purchase Order details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on Purchase Order page. 

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Order page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Order page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, double click on the desired entry then “Edit” prompt box will be appeared. Edit your desired data and click “OK” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Order page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on Delete icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Order by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Order page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Purchase Order.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order”. Purchase Order page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Order by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Order page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Purchase Order.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Purchase Invoice page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter Purchase Invoice last valid date in “Valid Up to” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box. 
Click on “Add new “ Item button     then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box. Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then Purchase Invoice details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on Purchase Invoice page. 

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Invoice by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Invoice page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Invoice by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Invoice page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, double click on the desired entry then “Edit” prompt box will be appeared. Edit your desired data and click “OK” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Invoice by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of Purchase Invoice page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on “Delete” icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Invoice by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Invoice page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Purchase Invoice.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice”. Purchase Invoice page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Invoice by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Invoice page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Purchase Invoice.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Return”. Purchase Return page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Purchase Return page.
Enter date in “Document Date” input box. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box then entered invoice details will be displayed in the grid. Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment model. 
Purchase Return details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on Purchase Return page.
Enter return quantity in column” Return Quantity” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Return”. Purchase Return page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Return by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Return page. Enter Document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Purchase Return.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Return”. Purchase Return page will be displayed.
Select Purchase Return by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of Purchase Return page. Enter Document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Purchase Return.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Payment credit purchase page.

Enter date in “Payment Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter amount paid in “Amount Paid” input box. Enter the name who paid the amount in “Paid By” input box.  

Select the desired payment mode by clicking on radio button against the desired payment mode.
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Payment credit purchase page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter amount paid in “Amount Paid” input box. Enter the name who paid the amount in “Paid By” input box.  

Select payment mode by clicking on radio button on top of Cash Radio button then all the remaining fields will be disabled. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on Payment on the top of payment on credit purchase page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter amount paid in “Amount Paid” input box. Enter the name who paid the amount in “Paid By” input box.  

Select payment mode by clicking on radio button on top of “Cheque” Radio button then enter cheque number in “Cheque number” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Payment credit purchase page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter amount paid in “Amount Paid” input box. Enter the name who paid the amount in “Paid By” input box.  
 Select payment mode by clicking on radio button on top of “Deposit” Radio button then enter cheque number in “Cheque number” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of Payment credit purchase page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Supplier” input box then supplier list will be drop down. 
Select the desired supplier then supplier name will be appeared in “Supplier Name” input box. Enter supplier address in “Supplier Address” input box then enter amount paid in “Amount Paid” input box. Enter the name who paid the amount in “Paid By” input box.  
Select payment mode by clicking on radio button on top of “e Transfer” Radio button  then enter cheque number in “Cheque number” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Select Payment on credit purchase by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on Payment on the top of credit purchase page. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Payment on credit purchase.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Purchase”, then click “Payment on credit purchase”. Payment on credit purchase page will be displayed.
Select Payment on credit purchase by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on Payment on the top of credit purchase page. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Payment on credit purchase.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new“ button on the top of sales quotation page.
Enter starting date in “Date” input box then enter last date in “Valid Up to” input box. Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box. Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new“ Item button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.
Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales quotation details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales quotation page. 
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter warehouse code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter warehouse code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, double click on the desired entry then “Edit” prompt box will be appeared. Edit your desired data and click "OK" button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on Delete icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Sales Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 

Click “OK” button to print the Sales Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed.  
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales order page.
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation box will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click Go button     then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter starting date in “Date” input box then enter last date in “Valid Up to” input box.  

Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new “ Item button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.
Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales order details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales order page.  

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed.  
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales order page.
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation box will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click Go button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter starting date in “Date” input box then enter last date in “Valid Up to” input box.  

Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item” button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales order details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales order page.  

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 

Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, double click on the desired entry then “Edit” prompt box will be appeared. Edit your desired data and click "OK" button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on Delete icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Sales Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Quotation”. Sales Quotation page will be displayed.
Select sales quotation by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales quotation page. Enter quotation number in “Quotation Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Sales Quotation.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed.  
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales order page.
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation box will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click "Go" button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.
Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter starting date in “Date” input box then enter last date in “Valid Up to” input box.  

Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales order details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales order page.  
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed.  
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales order page.
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation box will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click “Go” button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter starting date in “Date” input box then enter last date in “Valid Up to” input box.  

Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item” button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales order details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales order page.  

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter supplier code or click in “Salesman” input box then supplier list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on “Delete” icon against the desired entry then it will delete entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Sales Order.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order”. Sales Order page will be displayed. 
Select sales order by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales order page. Enter order number in “Order Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Sales Order.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales invoice page.
If you want to add order then click on “Add Order” icon. Order prompt will be displayed. 
Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click “Go” button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation prompt will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click Go button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter date in “Date” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” drop list then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. If you select credit payment mode, enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then credit days last date will be appeared in “Credit Date Upto” input box.  

Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales invoice details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales invoice page. 

Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of sales invoice page.
If you want to add order then click on “Add Order” icon. Order quotation prompt will be displayed. 
Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click “Go” button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
If you want to add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation prompt will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click “Go” button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter date in “Date” input box.
To Set Payment Mode, click in “Payment Mode” drop list then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. If you select credit payment mode, enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then credit days last date will be appeared in “Credit Date Upto” input box.  

Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales invoice details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales invoice page. 
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of sales invoice page.
If you want add quotation then click on “Add Quotation” icon then quotation prompt will be appeared.  

Enter customer code or click in customer list box then customer list will be appeared. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse name” input box. Click “Go” button then selected quotation number will be appeared in left side of quotation page.  

Click on “Show” button then selected information will be shown in “Quotation to be processed” grid.  

Enter quantity in column “Received Qty” input box. Click on “Process” button then all selected information will be appeared in “Quotation Selected” grid bar.   

Click “Proceed” button then selected information will be appeared in grid bar in Sales Order page.   
Enter date in “Date” input box.
To Set Payment Mode, click in “Payment Mode” drop list then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. If you select credit payment mode, enter credit days in “Credit Days” input box then credit days last date will be appeared in “Credit Date Upto” input box.  

Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman list will be drop down. Select the desired salesman then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter customer address in “Customer Address” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter attention in “Attention” input box.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click in “Price” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type then enter price in “Price” input box. Enter currency code or click in “Currency Code” input box then currency list will be drop down. Select your desired currency code then selected currency rate will be appeared in “Currency Rate” input box.

Enter discount percentage in “Discount” input box then discount amount will be displayed. Total payable amount will be displayed in “Amount” input box. Click “OK”button to save the information then sales invoice details of selected item will be displayed in the grid on sales invoice page. 
Click “OK” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Select sales invoice by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales invoice page. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Select sales invoice by navigation bar or click the “Update” button on the top of sales invoice page. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
In the grid, click on Delete icon against the desired entry. It will delete the entry in the grid. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Select sales invoice by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales invoice page. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Sales Invoice.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice”. Sales Invoice page will be displayed.
Select sales invoice by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales invoice page. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Sales Invoice.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Return”. Sales Return page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales return page.
Enter document date in “Document Date” input box. Enter invoice number in “Invoice Number” input box. Click in “Payment Mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Payment Mode” drop list then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Return”. Sales Return page will be displayed.
Select sales return by navigation bar or click the “Delete” button on the top of sales return page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the Sales Return.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Return”. Sales Return page will be displayed.
Select sales return by navigation bar or click the Print button on the top of sales return page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the Sales Return.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales collection page.
Enter collection date in “Collection Date” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter collector code or click in “Collector Code” input box then collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired collection code then selected collection name will be appeared in “Collector Name” input box.
Enter amount collected in “Amount Collected” input box. Select your desired collection mode by clicking on the Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select cash collection mode then click on “Cash” Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select cheque collection mode then click on “Cheque” Radio button in “Collection Mode”. Enter cheque number in “Cheque number” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
If you want to select deposit collection mode then click on “Deposit” Radio button     in “Collection Mode”. Enter voucher number in “Voucher number” input box then enter voucher date in “Voucher Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.  

If you want to select e transfer collection mode then click on “e Transfer” Radio button in “Collection Mode”. Enter document number in “document number” input box then enter transfer date in “Transfer Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales collection page.
Enter collection date in “Collection Date” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter collector code or click in “Collector Code” input box then collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired collection code then selected collection name will be appeared in “Collector Name” input box.
Enter amount collected in “Amount Collected” input box. Select your desired collection mode by clicking on the Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select cash collection mode then click on “Cash” Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales collection page.
Enter collection date in “Collection Date” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter collector code or click in “Collector Code” input box then collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired collection code then selected collection name will be appeared in “Collector Name” input box.
Enter amount collected in “Amount Collected” input box. Select your desired collection mode by clicking on the Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select cheque collection mode then click on “Cheque” Radio button in “Collection Mode”. Enter cheque number in “Cheque number” input box then enter cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales collection page.
Enter collection date in “Collection Date” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter collector code or click in “Collector Code” input box then collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired collection code then selected collection name will be appeared in “Collector Name” input box.
Enter amount collected in “Amount Collected” input box. Select your desired collection mode by clicking on the Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select deposit collection mode then click on “Deposit” Radio button in “Collection Mode”. Enter voucher number in “Voucher number” input box then enter voucher date in “Voucher Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new “button on the top of sales collection page.
Enter collection date in “Collection Date” input box.
Enter customer code or click in “Customer” input box then customer list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then selected customer name will be appeared in “Customer name” input box. 
Enter collector code or click in “Collector Code” input box then collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired collection code then selected collection name will be appeared in “Collector Name” input box.
Enter amount collected in “Amount Collected” input box. Select your desired collection mode by clicking on the Radio button in “Collection Mode”.  

If you want to select e transfer collection mode then click on “e Transfer” Radio button in “Collection Mode”. Enter document number in “document number” input box then enter transfer date in “Transfer Date” input box. Enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation bar or click on “Delete” button on the top of sales collection page. Enter collection number in “Collection Number” input box then click on “Load” button. 
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Collection”. Sales Collection page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation bar or click on “Print” button on the top of sales collection page. Enter collection number in “Collection Number” input box then click on “Load” button. 
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Masters”, then click “Production Master”. Production Master Page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “ button in Production Master Page.
Enter production name in “Production Name” input box or if you want to enter production name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter production name in your desired language. 

Click “Proceed” button to save the information.
Click “Save” button to save  the information on production master page then production code will be symmetrically generated and shown in “Production Code” input box. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Masters”, then click “Production Master”. Production Master Page will be displayed.
Select desired production by “Navigation” button  or click on “Update” button  on Production Master Page.
Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button.

Enter production name in “Production Name” input box or if you want to enter production name in your desired language then click on “Manage Names” icon then prompt box will be appeared. Enter production name in your desired language. 

Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Masters”, then click “Production Master”. Production Master Page will be displayed.
Select desired production by “Navigation” button or click on Delete button on Production Master Page.
Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button. 
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Masters”, then click “Production Master”. Production Master Page will be displayed.
Select desired production good by “Navigation” button or enter production code in “Production Code” input box then click on “View” button on Production Master Page.
Click “Load” button then click “Production Finished Goods” button. It will display production finished goods page.
If you want to “Add new “item in selected production finished goods then click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click “Add new “Item button on production finished goods then prompt box will be appeared.   
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to add new Item .

Click “Save” button on production finished goods page.

If you want to view production raw materials of production goods then click “Production Raw Materials” button. It will display production raw materials page.
 To enter new item in production raw materials, click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button.  
Click “Add new Item “ button on production supporting items then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed  in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to “Add new Item “.
Click “Save” button on production supporting items page.

If you want to view production supporting items  of production goods then click “production Supporting Items” button. It will display production supporting items page. 
To enter new item in production supporting items, click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button. 
Click “Add new Item “ button on production supporting items page then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to “Add new“ item.
Click “Save” button on production supporting items page.

If you want to view production expenses details of production goods then click “Production Expenses” button. It will display production expenses page. 
To enter new item in production expenses, click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button. 
Click “Add new“ Item button on production expenses page then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to “Add new” item.
Click “Save” button on production expenses page.

If you want to view production wastes of production goods then click “Production wastes” button. It will display production wastes page. 
To enter new item in production wastes, click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button. 
Click “Add new“Item button on production wastes page then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to “Add new”item.
Click “Save” button on production wastes page.

If you want to view production costing details of production goods then click “Production costing” button. It will display production costing page. 
To enter new item in production costing, click “Update” button. Enter production code in “Production Code” input box and click “Load” button. 
Click “Add new Item “ button on production costing page then prompt box will be appeared.

Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be displayed in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box. Click “OK” button to “Add new“ item.
Click “Save” button to save the information..
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “ button on the top of Production Process Page.
Enter date in “Date” input box.
Enter production code or click in “Production Code” input box then production code list will be drop down. Select your desired production code then selected production name will be appeared in “Production Name” input box. 
Enter quantity in “Quantity” input box then enter reference number in “Reference number” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse from” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse To” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code.  
Click “Add Employee” then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Go” button  to “Add new “ employee then selected employee code and name will be appeared in the grid.  
Click on “Check Stock” button. If goods is available in stock, there will appear massage on the top of production process page.
Click “Process” button then there will appear confirmation massage on the top of production process page. 

Click “Save” button to save the information then document number will be symmetrically generated and appeared in “Document Number” input box.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.

Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Production Process Page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
To Set production code, enter production code or click in “Production Code” input box then production code list will be drop down. Select your desired production code then selected production name will be appeared in “Production Name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Production Process Page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse from” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse To” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Production Process Page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Click “Add Employee” then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click Go button to “Add new “ employee then selected employee code and name will be appeared in the grid.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Production Process Page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
Click on “Check Stock” button. If goods is available in stock, there will appear massage on the top of production process page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Production”, then “Process”, then click “Production Process”. Production Process Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Delete” button on the top of Production Process Page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button. 
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer”. Stock Transfer Page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “button on the top of Stock Transfer Page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse from” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse To” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” then enter attention in “Attention” input box.    
Click on “Add new Item “ button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then unit fraction of item will be appeared in next input box. Enter price of item then total amount of item will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save   the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Stock Transfer page.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer”. Stock Transfer Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Stock Transfer Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.

Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse from” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse To” input box then warehouse list will be drop down. Select your warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” then enter attention in “Attention” input box.    
Click on “Add new Item “ button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then unit fraction of item will be appeared in next input box. Enter price of item then total amount of item will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Stock Transfer page.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer”. Stock Transfer Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Delete” button on the top of Stock Transfer Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” will display details of required entries in the grid.
Click in "Delete" icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer”. Stock Transfer Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select stock transfer document  or click on “Delete” button on the top of Stock Transfer Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button. A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer”. Stock Transfer Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select stock transfer document or click on “Print” button on the top of Stock Transfer Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button  then prompt box will be appeared.
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Adjustment”. Stock Adjustment Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Stock Adjustment Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.

Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input boxes. Enter price of item in “Price” input box then total amount will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Stock Adjustment page.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Physical Quantity” input boxes. Enter price of item in “Price” input box then total amount will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save   the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Stock Adjustment page.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Adjustment”. Stock Adjustment Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Stock Adjustment Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” will display details of required entries in the grid.
Click in “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Adjustment”. Stock Adjustment Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select stock adjustment document or click on “Delete” button on the top of Stock Adjustment Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Adjustment”. Stock Adjustment Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select stock adjustment document or click on Print button on the top of Stock Adjustment Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button  then prompt box will be appeared.
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use”. Stock Internal Use Page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new “ button on the top of Stock Internal Use Page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse code” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. Enter reference number in “Reference number” input box. Enter the name of the person in “Entered by” input box, who entered the data of Stock Internal Use.    
Click on “Add new Item “ button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then click in “Quantity” list box and select unit quantity. Enter price of item in “Price” input box then total amount will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Stock Internal Use page.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use”. Stock Internal Use Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Stock Internal Use Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button then it will display details of required entries in the grid.
Click in “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use”. Stock Internal Use Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select Stock Internal Use document or click on “Delete” button on the top of Stock Internal Use Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use”. Stock Internal Use Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select Stock Internal Use document or click on “Print” button on the top of Stock Internal Use Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Damaged stock”. Damaged stock Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button  or click on “Update” button  on the top of Damaged stock Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.

Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input boxes. Enter price of item in “Price” input box then total amount will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save   the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Damaged stock page.
Click on “Add new Item “ button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter item code or click in “Item code” input box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item name” input box. Enter quantity of item in “Quantity” input box then click in “Quantity” list box and select unit quantity. Enter price of item in “Price” input box then total amount will be appeared in “Amount” input box. Click “OK” button to save   the information then all information will be displayed in the grid on Damaged stock page.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Damaged stock”. Damaged stock Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button or click on “Update” button on the top of Damaged stock Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” will display details of required entries in the grid.
Click in “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Damaged Stock”. Damaged stock Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select damaged stock document or click on “Delete” button on the top of Damaged stock Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button.
A prompt will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Others”, then click “Damaged stock”. Damaged stock Page will be displayed.
Click on Navigation button to select damaged stock document or click on “Print” button on  the top of Damaged stock Page then enter document number in “Document Number” input box. 
Click “Load” button then prompt box will be appeared.
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock in Multiple Units”. Current Stock in Multiple Units Page will be displayed.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. If you want to search desired item in current stock then check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box then code name will be appeared in “Name” input box or uncheck “Item” check box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.

Click “Show” button  then it will display current stock in multiple units. 

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button   or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of current stock in multiple units page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock in multiple units page. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock in Multiple Units”. Current Stock in Multiple Units Page will be displayed.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. If you want to search desired item in current stock then check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box then code name will be appeared in “Name” input box or uncheck “Item” check box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.

Click “Show” button then it will display current stock in multiple units. 

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of current stock in multiple units page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock in Multiple Units”. Current Stock in Multiple Units Page will be displayed.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. If you want to search desired item in current stock then check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box then code name will be appeared in “Name” input box or uncheck “Item” check box.  
Click “Export to Excel” button then it download current stock in multiple units in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display current stock report  in Excel format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock in Multiple Units”. Current Stock in Multiple Units Page will be displayed.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. If you want to search desired item in current stock then check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box then code name will be appeared in “Name” input box or uncheck “Item” check box.  
Click ““Export to Word”” button then it download current stock in multiple units in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display current stock report in Word format .
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock in Multiple Units”. Current Stock in Multiple Units Page will be displayed.

Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box. If you want to search desired item in current stock then check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box then code name will be appeared in “Name” input box or uncheck “Item” check box.  
Click ““Export to PDF”” button then it download current stock in multiple units in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display current stock report  in PDf format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock Report”. Current Stock Report Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report.  
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of current stock report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock report page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock Report”. Current Stock Report Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.
Click “Export to Excel” button then it will download current stock report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

   it will display current stock report  in Excel format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock Report”. Current Stock Report Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it download current stock report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

   it will display current stock report  in PDF format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Current Stock Report”. Current Stock Report Page will be displayed. 
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
You can check “Do not show, if stick is zero” input box, in case if there is no item in the stock then it will not display any details.
Click “Export to Word” button then it download current stock report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display current stock report  in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Stock Ledger”. Stock Ledger Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
 If you want to select warehouse in stock ledger then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. Click in “Stock Movement” list box then stock movement list will be drop down. Select your desired stock movement  type. Click in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock ledger report.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of stock ledger page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of stock ledger page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Stock Ledger”. Stock Ledger Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
 If you want to select warehouse in stock ledger then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. Click in “Stock Movement” list box then stock movement list will be drop down. Select your desired stock movement  type. Click in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock ledger report.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of stock ledger page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Stock Ledger”. Stock Ledger Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in stock ledger then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. Click in “Stock Movement” list box then stock movement list will be drop down. Select your desired stock movement  type. Click in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download stock ledger in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display stock ledger report in Excel format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Stock Ledger”. Stock Ledger Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in stock ledger then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. Click in “Stock Movement” list box then stock movement list will be drop down. Select your desired stock movement  type. Click in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will  download stock ledger in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display stock ledger report in Word format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Stock Ledger”. Stock Ledger Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in stock ledger then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. Click in “Stock Movement” list box then stock movement list will be drop down. Select your desired stock movement  type. Click in “Transaction Type” list box then transaction type list will be drop down. Select your desired transaction type.
Click “Export to PDF” button  then it will  download stock ledger in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

it will display stock ledger report in PDF format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button  or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of current stock report page then prompt box will be appeared. 

Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock report page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of current stock report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
 If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download item stock flow chart report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 

It will display current stock report in Excel format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
 If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will  download item stock flow chart report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display current stock report in Word format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Item Stock Flow Chart”. Item Stock Flow Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
 If you want to select warehouse in Item Stock Flow Chart then check “Warehouse From” input box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
In Report Type, If you want to select summary then check “Summary” radio button     or if you want to select detail then check “Detail” radio button. Check “Show Amount” check box if you want to view amount detail and if you donot want to view amount detail then uncheck “Show Amount” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will  download item stock flow chart report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
 It will display current stock report in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Cost Calculation Chart”. Cost Calculation Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of cost calculation chart report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock report page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Cost Calculation Chart”. Cost Calculation Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of cost calculation chart report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Cost Calculation Chart”. Cost Calculation Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download item cost calculation chart report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display cost calculation chart report in Excel format 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Cost Calculation Chart”. Cost Calculation Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download item cost calculation chart report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display cost calculation chart report in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Cost Calculation Chart”. Cost Calculation Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter item code or click in “Item Code” input box then item code list will be drop down. Select the desired item then selected item name will be appeared in “Item Code” input box. 
Enter date from in “From” input box then enter date upto in “Date to” input box. 
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will  download item cost calculation chart report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display cost calculation chart report in PDF format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Opening Stock Report”. Opening Stock Report Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
Check “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box, if stock is zero and if you  want  to view  detail in case stock is zero then uncheck “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of opening stock report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock report page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Opening Stock Report”. Opening Stock Report Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
Check “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box, if stock is zero and if you  want  to view  detail in case stock is zero then uncheck “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display current stock report. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of opening stock report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Opening Stock Report”. Opening Stock Report Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
Check “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box, if stock is zero and if you  want  to view  detail in case stock is zero then uncheck “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download item opening stock report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display opening stock report in Excel format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Opening Stock Report”. Opening Stock Report Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
Check “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box, if stock is zero and if you  want  to view  detail in case stock is zero then uncheck “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will  download item opening stock report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display opening stock report in Word format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Inventory”, then click “Opening Stock Report”. Opening Stock Report Chart Page will be displayed.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse then selected warehouse name will be displayed in “Warehouse name” input box.
Check “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box, if stock is zero and if you  want  to view  detail in case stock is zero then uncheck “Do not show, if stock is zero” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will  download item opening stock report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display opening stock report in PDF format .  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.

If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button   or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of cost calculation chart report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of current stock report page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of cost calculation chart report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.                       
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet with in selected invoices.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet within selected date.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet with in selected supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet with in desired warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet with in selected payment mode.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase invoice listing detail sheet with items details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download item cost calculation chart report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display cost calculation chart report in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it will  download item cost calculation chart report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
 It will display cost calculation chart report in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Invoice Listing”. Purchase invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to PDf” button then it will  download item cost calculation chart report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display cost calculation chart report in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase invoice listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of purchase invoice listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase invoice listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box. Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet with in selected item code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet with in selected supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet with in selected warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet with in selected payment mode.

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase Item listing detail sheet.

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order item listing report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  
It will display purchase order item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download purchase order item listing report in Word  format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display purchase order item listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Item Listing”. Purchase item listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view purchase item listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then paymode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in purchase item listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will  download purchase order item listing report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display purchase order item listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase order listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of Purchase order listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button  then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button  or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase order listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet with in selected Order numbers.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet within selected date.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet with in supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button  then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet with in warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase order listing detail sheet with item details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order listing report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display purchase order listing in Excel format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button  then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it will  download purchase order listing report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display purchase order listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase order listing”. Purchase order listing Page will be displayed.
To view purchase order  listing within specific numbers click “Orders” raddio button     then enter order starting number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase order listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box.  

Click “Export to PDF” button then it will  download purchase order listing report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display purchase order listing in PDF format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase order item listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of purchase order item listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  

If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button  or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of purchase order item  listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet with in selected item details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet with in selected supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
f you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
IIf you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet with in selected warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Item Listing detail sheet with item details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order item listing report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display purchase order item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order item listing report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
 It will display purchase order item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Item Listing”. Purchase Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Item Listing details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Item Listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Item Listing then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order item listing report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display purchase order item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of Purchase Order Pending List page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of Purchase Order Pending List page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of Purchase Order Pending List page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet with item details.
: Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet with in selected supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
f you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
IIf you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet with in selected warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order pending List”. Purchase Order pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet with in selected date.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Purchase Order Pending List detail sheet with sum-up item details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download purchase order purchase oreder pending list in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
   It will display Purchase Order Pending List in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download purchase order purchase order pending list in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
It will display Purchase Order Pending List in Word format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase Order Pending List”. Purchase Order Pending List Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Purchase Order Pending List details of  desired item then  check “Item” check box.Enter item code in “Code” input box. Item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code then selected item name will be appeared in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view specific item in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Purchase Order Pending List sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
To view purchase item item listing within specific date, enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.  
If you want to view sum-up of item then check “Sum-up Item” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up of item in Purchase Order Pending List then uncheck “Sum-up item” check box. 
Click “Export to PDf” button then it will  download purchase order purchase oreder pending list in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page. 
  It will display Purchase Order Pending List in PDF format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Credit Invoice pending list detail sheet.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Credit Invoice pending list detail sheet.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Credit Invoice pending list detail sheet.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display Credit Invoice pending list detail sheet.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export purchase invoice listing detail to Excel.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export purchase invoice listing detail to Excel.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it will export purchase invoice listing detail to Word.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit Invoice pending list”. Credit Invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter current date in “Current Date” input box.
If you want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view supplier detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Item” check box. 
If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box.or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in Credit Invoice pending list sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
Click “Export to PDF” button  then it will export purchase invoice listing detail to PDF.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit payment listing detail sheet.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit payment listing detail sheet with in selected payment numbers.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit payment listing detail sheet within selected date.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Show” button then it will display credit payment listing detail sheet.

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Show” button then it will display credit payment listing detail sheet with in selected payment mode.

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment listng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download credit payment listing in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display credit payment listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download credit payment listing in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  
It will display credit payment listing in Word format.  


Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Credit payment listing”. Credit payment listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view purchase invoice listing sheet within desired payment number then check “Payment Number” radio button. Enter payment  starting number in”From” input box then enter payment ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit payment lisitng within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in credit payment listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 

Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will  download credit payment listing in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  
It will display credit payment listing in PDF format.  

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  purchase invoice listing sheet within desired document number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view  within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet. You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 

If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of cost calculation chart report page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of Purchase return listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  purchase invoice listing sheet within desired document number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view  within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet. You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of Purchase return listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  purchase invoice listing sheet within desired document number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.   

If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet with in selected document numbers.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet within selected date.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet with in selected supplier code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet with in selected warehouse code.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet with in selected payment mode.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

Click “Show” button then it will display purchase return listing detail sheet with item details.

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will download export purchase return listing detail in Excel. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display purchase return listing in Excel format.  

Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

Click “Export to Word” button then it  will download export purchase return listing detail in Word. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display purchase return listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Purchase”, then click “Purchase return listing”. Purchase return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in purchase invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in purchase return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in purchase invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in purchase invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will download export purchase return listing detail in PDF. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display purchase return listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Enter payment mode by click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.  If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.

Click “Show” button then sales invoice summary details page will be displayed.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button     or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales invoice summary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales invoice summary page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Enter payment mode by click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.  If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.

Click “Show” button then sales invoice summary details page will be displaye with in selected date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
To Set  warehouse code, enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Enter payment mode by click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.  If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.

Click “Show” button then sales invoice summary details page will be displayed with in selected warehouse details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button  or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
To Set payment mode, click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.
Click “Show” button then sales invoice summary details page will be displayed with iln selected payment mode detail.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select  payment mode by clicking  in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
To Set item type, click in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.
Click “Show” button then sales invoice summary details page will be displayed with selected item type detail.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
To Set payment mode, click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download sales invoice summary in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display sales invoice summary in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
To Set payment mode, click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download sales invoice summary in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display sales invoice summary in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Summary”. Sales Invoice Summary Page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter wartehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code. If you want to view warehouse details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
To Set payment mode, click in “Payment mode” list box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode.  If you want to view payment mode details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .  
Select item type by clicking in “Item Type” list box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. If you want to view item type details seperately in sales invoice summary  then check “Show seperately” check box or uncheck .
If you want to view profit details in sales invoice summary then check “Show profit” check box or uncheck will not show profit details and If you want to show cost amount details in sales invoice summary then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or uncheck will not show cost amount.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will  download sales invoice summary in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.  

It will display sales invoice summary in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 

Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.         

If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales invoice summary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales invoice summary page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet with in selected invoices.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet within selected date.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet within selected customer code.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet with in selected salesman code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet within selected payment mode.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet with item details.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales invoice listing detail sheet with cost amount details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view cost amount detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download sales invoice summary in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales invoice summary in Excel format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in sales invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box .or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download sales invoice summary in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales invoice summary in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Invoice Listing”. Sales invoice listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view  invoices in sales invoice listing sheet within desired number then check “Invoices” radio button. Enter invoice starting number in”From” input box then enter invoices ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view invoices within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view supplier detail in sales invoice listing then check “Supplier” check box. Enter supplier code or click  in “Code” input box then supplier code list will be drop down. Select the desired supplier code then selected supplier name will be shown in “Name” input box  or if you donot want to view supplier detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Supplier” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales invoice listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales invoice listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
If you want to view items detail in sales invoice listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view items details in sales invoice listing  then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download sales invoice summary in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales invoice summary in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales item listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales item listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display item details in sales item listing sheet with item code details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display Customer details in sales item listing sheet with customer code details
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  
If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display salesman details in sales item listing sheet with salesman details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

To Set date, Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display sales item listing within desired date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display selected payment mode in sales item listing sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display Sum-up item details in sales item listing sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display cost amount details in sales item listing sheet.

 You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.
If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will  download sales item listing in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Export to Word” button then it  will  download sales item listing in Word format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales item listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Item Listing”. Sales Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in sales item listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in sales item listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in sales item listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in sales item listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

Enter desired sales item listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter sales item ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click in “Payment Mode” input box then payment mode list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. Click in “Item Type” input box then item type list will be drop down. Select your desired item type.
If you want to view sum-up items details in sales item listing then check “Sum-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view sum-up item details then uncheck “Sum-up Items” check box.
If you want to view cost amount in sales item listing then check “Show Cost Amount” check box or if you donot want to view cost amount details then uncheck “Show Cost Amount” check box.

Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will  download sales item listing in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the top corner of the page.
It will display sales item listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales order listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales order listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display warehouse details in sales order listing sheet.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display customer details in sales order listing sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display salesman details in sales order listing sheet.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display sales order listing with in selected date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Show” button then it will display salesman details in sales order listing sheet.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Sales Order Listing data into Excel format.
It will display sales order listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into Word format.

It will display sales order listing in Word format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Listing”. Sales Order Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales order listing within order numbers then click on “Orders” radio button. Enter  starting order number in “From” input box then enter ending order number in “To” input box  or if you want to view sales order listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter order starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show items” check box.

Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into PDF format.

It will display sales order listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales order item listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales order item listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 
If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective customer code..
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective customer code..
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing  with in selective salesman code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing sheet with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing sheet with sum-up item details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

 If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Sales Order Item Listing data into Excel format.

 It will display sales order item listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Sales Order Item Listing data into Word format.

It will display sales order item listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales Order Item Listing”. Sales Order Item Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales Order Item Listing starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales Order Item Listing then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Sales Order Item Listing data into PDF format.

It will display sales order item listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales order item listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales order item listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective customer code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective salesman code.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display sales order item listing with sum-up item details.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Sales order pending list data into Excel format.

It will display sales order pending list in Excel format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

.If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Sales order pending list data into Word format.

It will display sales order pending list in Word format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales order pending list”. Sales order pending list Page will be displayed.
If you want to view items details in Sales order pending list then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box. 

If you want to view customer details in Sales order pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales order pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Sales order pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  
Enter Sales order pending list starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view items details  in Sales order pending list then check “Show-up Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show-up items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export sales order pending list data into PDF format.

It will display sales order pending list in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of credit invoice pending list page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of credit invoice pending list page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Show” button then it will display credit invoice pending list with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Show” button then it will display credit invoice pending list  with in selective customer code. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Show” button then it will display credit invoice pending list  with in selective customer code. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

Click “Show” button then it will display credit invoice pending list  with in selective salesman code. 

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

Click “Show” button then it will display credit invoice pending list  with in selective current date. 

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Credit invoice pending list data into Excel format.

It will display credit invoice pending list in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 
If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Credit invoice pending list data into Word format.

 It will display credit invoice pending list in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit invoice pending list”. Credit invoice pending list Page will be displayed.
Enter credit invoice pending list in “Current Date” input box. 
If you want to view warehouse details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view salesman details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Salesman” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman details in sale item listing then uncheck “salesman” check box.  

If you want to view customer details in Credit invoice pending list then check “Customer” check box.  Enter customer code or click in “Customer Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down. Select your desired customer code then customer name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer details in sale item listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Credit invoice pending list data into PDF format.

It will display credit invoice pending list in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.          

If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales order item listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales order item listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet with in selective customer code.

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet with in selective sales collector code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display credit collection listing detail sheet with in selective payment mode.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export credit collection listing detail to Excel.
It will display credit collection listing in Excel format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export credit collection listing detail to Word.
It will display credit collection listing in Word format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Credit collection listing”. Credit collection listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view credit collection listing sheet within desired collection number then check “Collection Number” radio button. Enter collection starting number in”From” input box then enter collection ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view credit collection listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in credit collection listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing then check “Sales Collector” check box. Enter sales collector code or click in “Sales Collector” input box then sales collector code list will be drop down. Select your desired sales collector code then selected sales collector name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view sales collector detail in credit collection listing sheet  then uncheck “Sales Collector” check box. 

Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export credit collection listing detail to PDF.
It will display credit collection listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales return listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales return listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of sales return listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of sales return listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective document number.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective customer code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective salesman code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with in selective payment mode.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Show” button then it will display sales return listing detail sheet with items details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export sales return listing detail to Excel.
It will display sales return listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export sales return listing detail to Word.
It will display sales return listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Sales”, then click “Sales return listing”. Sales return listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view sales return listing sheet within desired document number then check “Document“ radio button. Enter document starting number in”From” input box then enter document ending number in “To” input box.  Or if you want to view sales return listing sheet within specific date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.                            
If you want to view customer detail in sales return listing then check “Customer” check box. Enter customer code or click  in “Code” input box then customer code list will be drop down.  Select the desired customer code then selected customer name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view customer detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Customer” check box. 

If you want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Warehouse” check box. 

If you want to view salesman detail in sales return listing then check “Salesman” check box. Enter salesman code or click in “Salesman” input box then salesman code list will be drop down. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be shown in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view salesman detail in sales return listing sheet  then uncheck “Salesman” check box. 
If you want to view items details in sales return listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Select payment mode by clicking in “Payment Mode” selective option bar then payment mode option list will be drop down. Select your desired payment mode. 
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export sales return listing detail to PDF.
It will display sales return listing in PDF format. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of stock transfer listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of stock transfer listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of stock transfer listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock transfer listing sheet with in selective document numbers.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock transfer listing sheet with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Sales Order Listing data into Excel format.
It will display stock transfer listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into Word format.
It will display stock transfer listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into PDF format.
It will display stock transfer listing in PDF format.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Transfer Listing”. Stock Transfer Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view stock transfer listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view stock transfer listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details of stock transfer listing, from where stock is transferred then check “Warehouse From” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Code” input box then warehouse code list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse from where stock is transferred then uncheck “Warehouse From” check box.  

If you want to view warehouse where stock is transferred to, then check “Warehouse To” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in stock transfer listing then uncheck “Customer” check box.  

If you want to view items details in stock transfer listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into PDF format.
It will display stock transfer listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Sales Order Listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of stock internal use listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of stock internal use listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock internal use listing sheet with in selective document numbers.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock internal use listing sheet with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock internal use listing sheet with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display stock internal use listing sheet with item code details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the Inventory, then Reports, then S Others, then click Stock Internal Use Listing. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Sales Order Listing data into Excel format.
It will display stock internal use listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into Word format.
It will display stock internal use listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Internal Use Listing”. Stock Internal Use Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Internal Use Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Internal Use Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Internal Use Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Sales Order Listing data into PDF format.
It will display stock internal use listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Damaged stock listing then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on  top of damaged stock listing page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on top of damaged stock listing page.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display damaged stock listing sheet with in selective document numbers.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display damaged stock listing sheet with in selective date.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display damaged stock listing sheet with in selective warehouse code.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display damaged stock listing sheet with item code details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box.  Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Excel” button  then it will export Damaged stock listing data into Excel format.
It will display damaged stock listing in Excel format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter  starting date in “Date from” input box  then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it  will export Damaged stock listing data into Word format.
It will display damaged stock listing in Word format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Reports”, then “Others”, then click “Stock Damage Listing”. Stock Damage Listing Page will be displayed.
If you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired numbers then click on “Documents” radio button. Enter document starting number in “From” input box then enter ending invoice number in “To” input box  or if you want to view Stock Damage Listing within desired date then click on “Based on date” radio button. Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view warehouse details in Stock Damage Listing  then check “Warehouse” check box. Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box then Warehouse code list will be drop down. Select your desired Warehouse code then Warehouse name will be appeared in “Name” input box or if you donot want to view warehouse details in sale item listing then uncheck “Warehouse” check box.  

If you want to view items details in Stock Damage Listing then check “Show Items” check box or if you donot want to view item details then uncheck “Show Items” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it  will export Damaged stock listing data into PDF format.
It will display damaged stock listing in PDF format.  
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Setup”, then click “Change Strings”. Change Strings page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on Change Strings page. 
If you want to change label of “Field” (Tag) in item card then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from "ID1" to "ID2". You can change up to 6 tags in item card. 
If you want to change label of field in purchase posting Setup then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box. 
If you want to change label of field in sales posting Setup then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box. 

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Setup”, then click “Inventory Code Setup”. Inventory code Setup page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of inventory code Setup page. 
If item card is empty then it can be updated else there will appear a message on the top of page that it can be modified when item card master is empty.

Note: If item card master is empty then inventory code Setup page will be appeared. You can Set auto code by checking/unchecking “Is code auto” check box. Enter length against your desired level in value input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Setup”, then click “Inventory Global Setup”. Inventory global Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button  on the top of inventory global type page.
If you want inventory transaction post to financial accounting then check “Inventory Transaction Post To Financial Accounting” check box or uncheck. 

If you want to Set your desired inventory account then click in “Inventory Account” list box. Inventory account list will be drop down. Select your desired account then selected inventory account name will be appeared. 
If you want to enable tax then check “Enable Tax” check box or if you do not want to enable tax then uncheck.
If you want to Set number of decimals in price then enter your desired number in “Number of decimals in price” in put box. 
If you want to Set number of decimals in quantity then enter your desired number in “Number of decimals in Quantity” input box. 
If you want to allow sale, if sales price is less than cost price then check “Allow Sale, if sales price is less than cost price” check box or uncheck.
If you want to link salesman with HR then check “Salesman link to HR” check box or uncheck.
Click “Save” button    
Click on the “Inventory”, then ”Setup”, then click “Sales Posting Setup”. Sales posting Setup page will be displayed.
Click “Update” button  on the top of sales posting Setup page.
Click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list code will be drop down. Select your desired warehouse code then selected ware house code will be appeared  ware house name box. Click in “Payment type” list box then payment type will be drop down.

If you want to Set your desired code then click in “Account code” list box then account list will be drop down. Select your desired account then selected account name will be appeared in “Account name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting number Setup page will be displayed.
Click “Update” button on the top of starting number Setup page.
You can Set starting number against your desired description. You can check /uncheck “Auto Numbering” check box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.      
Click on the “Inventory”, then “Setup”, then click “Notification Setup”. Notification Setup page will be displayed.

Click “Update” button  on the top of starting number Setup page.
You can set day’s period in “Days Period” input box. You can activate/deactivate “Is Active” check box by checking/unchecking. 
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on personal information page.
Enter employee name in “Employee Name” input box. If you want to enter employee name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon. A prompt box will be displayed. Enter employees name in your desired language.
Click “Proceed” button to save the name.

Click in “Designation” input box then designation list will be drop down. Select your desired designation. Enter the person name who appointed employees in “Appointed by” input box. Enter employees joining date in “Join Date” input box.

Click in “Job Status” input box then job status list will be drop down. Select your desired job status of employees. 

Click in “Qualification” input box then qualification list will be drop down. Select your desired qualification of employees.
Click in “Nationality” input box then country names list will be drop down. Select your desired country. 

Click in “Gender” input box then gender list will be drop down. Select your desired gender. Enter no of dependents of employees in “No of dependents” input box.

Click on "Choose File" button then select employees picture from hard disk then selected picture will be appeared in “Employee Picture” input box. 

Click in “Employee Type” input box then employee type list will be drop down. Select your desired employee type. Enter employee grade in “Grade” input box.
Enter employees date of birth in “Date of Birth” input box. Click in “Religion” input box then religion name list will be drop down. Select your desired religion. 

Click in “Maritial Status” then maritial status list will be drop down. Select your desired marital status of employees. Enter email address of employees in “Email” input box. 

Enter reference address of employees in “Address” input box then enter reference city name in “City” input box. Enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter post box number in “Post Box” input box. 

Click in “Country” input box then country name list will be drop down. Select your desired country.
Enter landline no in “LandLine” input box. Enter mobile no in “Mobile” input box. Enter reference name of employees in “Reference Name” input box. Enter reference contact no in “Reference Contact” input box.

Enter permanent address of employees in “Address” input box. Enter city name in “City” input box. Enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter post box no in “Post Box” input box. 

Click in “Country” input box then country name list will be drop down. Select your desired country. Enter landline no in “Landline” input box. Enter mobile no in “Mobile” input box. Enter description in “Description” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click on “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter employee name in “Employee Name” input box. If you want to enter employee name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.  

A prompt box will be displayed. Enter employees name in your desired language.
Click “Proceed” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click in “Designation” list box then designation list will be drop down.  
Select your desired designation.
 Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click in “Job Status” list box then job status list will be drop down.
Select your desired job status.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click on “Choose File” icon. Select employee picture from hard disk then selected picture will be appeared in “Employee Picture” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Click in “Employee Type” list box then employee type list will be drop down. 
Select your desired employee type.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.

Click in “Nationality” list box then countries name list will be drop down.  
Select your desired country.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter reference address of employees in “Address” input box then enter reference city name in “City” input box. Enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter post box number in “Post Box” input box. Click in “Country” input box then country name list will be drop down. Select your desired country. Enter landline no in “LandLine” input box. Enter mobile no in “Mobile” input box. Enter reference name of employees in “Reference Name” input box. Enter reference contact no in “Reference Contact” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Update” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter permanent address of employees in “Address” input box.  Enter city name in “City” input box. Enter zip code in “Zip Code” input box. Enter post box no in “Post Box” input box. Click in “Country” input box then country name list will be drop down. Select your desired country. Enter landline no in “Landline” input box. Enter mobile no in “Mobile” input box. Enter description in “Description” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Personal Information”. Personal information page will be displayed.
Click on navigation bar to select employee name or click “Delete” button on personal information page. Enter employees code in “Employees Code” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

If you want to edit employee branch, enter branch name or click in “Branch” input box then branch name code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code. If you want to edit employee department then enter department name or click in department input box then department name list will be appeared. Select your desired department. Enter basic salary in “Basic Salary” input box. If you want to hold employee salary then check “Hold Salary” check box or if you do not want to hold employee salary then uncheck “Hold Salary” check box.
In “Monthly Allowances”, enter monthly allowance percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 monthly allowances. 
In “Monthly Deduction”, enter monthly deduction percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 monthly deduction. 
In “Medical Insurance”, enter insurance percentage in “Insurance” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in “input box”.
Enter employee account code or click in “Employee Account Code” input box then employee account code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee account code then selected employee account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Enter salary account code or click in “Salary Account Code” input box then then salary account code list will be drop down. Select your desired salary account code then selected salary account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Enter allowance account code or click in “Allowance Account Code” input box then then allowance account code list will be drop down. Select your desired allowance account code then selected allowance account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Click in “Salary Payment Method” list box then salary payment method list will be drop down. Select your desired salary payment method.
If you select “Bank Transfer” in salary payment method then enter account code in “Bank Account Code” input box then enter bank account detail in “Bank Account Detail” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

If you want to edit employee branch, enter branch name or click in “Branch” input box then branch name code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

If you want to edit employee department then enter department name or click in department input box then department name list will be appeared. Select your desired department.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter basic salary in “Basic Salary” input box. If you want to hold employee salary then check “Hold Salary” check box or if you do not want to hold employee salary then uncheck “Hold Salary” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

In “Monthly Allowances”, enter monthly allowance percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 monthly allowances. 
You can change strings in “Monthly Allowances” in HR -> SetUp -> Change String.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

In “Monthly Deduction”, enter monthly deduction percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 monthly deduction. 

You can change strings in “Monthly Deduction” in HR -> SetUp -> Change String.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  
In “Medical Insurance”, enter insurance percentage in “Insurance” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in “input box”.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  
Enter employee account code or click in “Employee Account Code” input box then employee account code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee account code then selected employee account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter salary account code or click in “Salary Account Code” input box then then salary account code list will be drop down. Select your desired salary account code then selected salary account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter allowance account code or click in “Allowance Account Code” input box then then allowance account code list will be drop down. Select your desired allowance account code then selected allowance account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Packages”. Package page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on top of packages page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Click in “Salary Payment Method” list box then salary payment method list will be drop down. Select your desired salary payment method.
If you select “Bank Transfer” in salary payment method then enter account code in “Bank Account Code” input box then enter bank account detail in “Bank Account Detail” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of provisions page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter provision category code or click in “Provision Category Code” input box. Select your desired provision category code then selected provision category name will be appeared in “Provision Category Code” input box.
Enter provisional percentage of employee in column “% of Employee” input box then enter provisional percentage of employer in column “% of Employer” input box. You can set up to 10 provisional percentage of employee and employer.

Note: You can change string (Provision 1…) into your desired string in HR -> Setup -> Change Strings.

To reload default values, click on “Reload Default Values” Button then default values will be reloaded.   
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of provisions page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter provision category code or click in “Provision Category Code” input box then provision category code will be drop down. Select your desired provision category code then selected provision category name will be appeared in “Provision Category Code” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of provisions page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

Enter provisional percentage of employee in column “% of Employee” input box then enter provisional percentage of employer in column “% of Employer” input box. You can set up to 10 provisional percentage of employee and employer.
Note: You can change string (Provision 1…) into your desired string in HR -> Setup -> Change Strings.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of provisions page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button.  

To reload default values, click on “Reload Default Values” Button then default values will be reloaded.   
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.

Click the “Update” button on the top of documents page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button. 
If you want to update document number then in the grid, enter document number in column “Document Number” input box against the desired document name. Enter the name of place of issue in column “Place of Issue” input box. Enter document issue date in column “Issue Date” input box then enter expiry date in column “Expiry Date” input box. 
If you want to upload new document then click on “Document Upload” icon on the Bottom of documents page. Document Upload page will be displayed.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Click in “Document Types” list box then document name list will be drop down. Select your desired document type. 
If you want to add new document type then click on “Add New Item” button. A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click in “Document Types” list box then document type list will be drop down. Select your desired document type.
If you want to attach file with document then click on “Choose File” button then prompt box will be appeared. Select the file and Click “OK” button to proceed then selected document type information will be appeared in the grid on document upload page.
If you want to edit document type then click on Edit icon in the grid in column “Options” against the desired document type. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
If you want to update document type the click in “Document Types” list box then document type list will be drop down. Select your desired document type.  

If you want to attach file with document then click on “Choose File” button then prompt box will be appeared. Select the file and Click “OK” button to proceed then selected document type information will be appeared in the grid on document upload page. 
If you want to delete document type then click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired document number.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to delete the information.

If you want to go back to document page then click on “Employee Document” icon on the bottom of the document upload page, It will displayed document page.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of documents page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button. 
If you want to update document number then in the grid, enter document number in column “Document Number” input box against the desired document name. Enter the name of place of issue in column “Place of Issue” input box. Enter document issue date in column “Issue Date” input box then enter expiry date in column “Expiry Date” input box.   
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of documents page.
Select employee code by navigation bar or enter employee code in “Employee Code” input box then click “Load” button. 
Click on delete icon in column “Delete” against the desired serial no then it will delete the entry. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Document Upload” button on the bottom of documents page then document upload page will be displayed.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Click in “Document Types” list box then document name list will be drop down. Select your desired document type. 
If you want to add new document type then click on “Add New Item” button. A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click in “Document Types” list box then document type list will be drop down. Select your desired document type.
If you want to attach file with document then click on “Choose File” button then prompt box will be appeared. Select the file and Click “OK” button to proceed then selected document type information will be appeared in the grid on document upload page.
If you want to edit document type then click on Edit icon in the grid in column “Options” against the desired document type. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
If you want to update document type the click in “Document Types” list box then document type list will be drop down. Select your desired document type.  
If you want to attach file with document then click on “Choose File” button then prompt box will be appeared. Select the file and Click “OK” button to proceed then selected document type information will be appeared in the grid on document upload page. 
If you want to delete document type then click on “Delete” icon against the desired document name. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to delete the information.

If you want to go back to document page then click on “Employee Document” icon on the bottom of the document upload page, It will displayed document page.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.

Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Document Upload” button on the bottom of documents page then document upload page will be displayed.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Click on “Download File” link Click on “Download File” link in column “Document Types” against the desired document name then it will download the file.
If you want to go back to document page then click on “Employee Document” icon on the bottom of the document upload page, It will displayed documents page.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Document Upload” button on the bottom of documents page then document upload page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon in the grid in column “Options” against the desired document type. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to delete the information.

If you want to go back to document page then click on “Employee Document” icon on the bottom of the document upload page, It will displayed document page.  

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Documents”. Documents page will be displayed.
Click the “Document Upload” button on the bottom of documents page then document upload page will be displayed.

If you want to edit document type then click on Edit icon in the grid in column “Options” against the desired document type. 
A prompt box will be appeared. 
If you want to update document type then click in “Document Types” list box then document type list will be drop down. Select your desired document type.  
If you want to attach file with document then click on “Choose File” button then prompt box will be appeared. Select the file and Click “OK” button to proceed then selected document type information will be appeared in the grid on document upload page. 
If you want to go back to document page then click on “Employee Document” icon on the bottom of the document upload page, It will displayed document page.  
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Enter starting date of vacation in “Starting Date To Calculate The Vacation” input box.
Click in “Vacation Term” list box then vacation term list will be drop down. Select your desired vacation term.
If you want to fixed no of days in each month to 30 days for calculation then check “No of days in a month is fixed to 30days for calculation” check box or if you do not want to fixed no of days in each month to 30 days for calculation then uncheck “No of days in a month is fixed to 30days for calculation” check box.
Enter no of days in “No of days in a term [Yearly]”. 
Enter no of leaves in “No of leaves per term [Yearly]”.
Enter no of days in “Leave Will Be Due On The Completion Or”.
If you want to select leaves can be carry forwarded to next term/cashed then click on “Leave Can Be Carry Forwarded To Next Term/Cashed” radio Button or if you want select the leaves to be lapsed, if not availed with in the period then click on “Leaves Lapses, if not availed within the period of” radio Button. Enter no of days in “Leaves Lapses, if not availed within the period of” input box. 
If you want to add new dependents of employee then click on “Add New Item” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Enter description in “Description” then enter no of dependents in “No(s)”. Enter percentage in “Percentage %” input box. Click “OK” button then all information will be appeared the grid in vacation page.

If you want to select provide full ticket on each vacation then click on “Provide Full Ticket On Each Vacation” radio Button or if you want to select calculate average (ticket) based on leave due then click on “Calculate Average (Ticket) Based On Leave Due” radio Button. 
If you want to select company will provide the ticket then click on “Company Will Provide The Ticket” radio Button or if you want to select ticket money will be paid then check “Ticket Money Will Be Paid” radio Button. Enter amount in “Amount/Ticket” input box.
Enter en-cashment percentage in “En-cashment (%) of ticket money, if vacation not availed” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.

Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Enter starting date of vacation in “Starting Date To Calculate The Vacation” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Click in “Vacation Term” list box then vacation term list will be drop down. Select your desired vacation term.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
If you want to fixed no of days in each month to 30 days for calculation then check “No of days in a month is fixed to 30days for calculation” check box or if you do not want to fixed no of days in each month to 30 days for calculation then uncheck “No of days in a month is fixed to 30days for calculation” check box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Enter no of days in “No of days in a term [Yearly]”. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Enter no of days in “Leave Will Be Due On The Completion Or”.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Enter no of leaves in “No of leaves per term [Yearly]”.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
If you want to select leaves can be carry forwarded to next term/cashed then click on “Leave Can Be Carry Forwarded To Next Term/Cashed” radio Button or if you want select the leaves to be lapsed, if not availed with in the period then click on “Leaves Lapses, if not availed within the period of” radio Button. Enter no of days in “Leaves Lapses, if not availed within the period of” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.

If you want to add new dependents of employee then click on “Add New Item” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Enter description in “Description” then enter no of dependents in “No(s)”. Enter percentage in “Percentage %” input box. Click “OK” button then all information will be displayed the grid in vacation page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
If you want to select company will provide the ticket then click on “Company Will Provide The Ticket” radio Button or if you want to select ticket money will be paid then check “Ticket Money Will Be Paid” radio Button. Enter amount in “Amount/Ticket” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Employees”, then click “Vacations”. Vacations page will be displayed.
Select employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of vacations page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.

Enter en-cashment percentage in “En-cashment (%) of ticket money, if vacation not availed” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Religions”. Religions page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Religion page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Branches”. Branches page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on branches page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter branches name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then branches code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in branches page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Branches”. Branches page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Branch page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Branch”. Branch page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on branch page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit branch name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then branch name will be appeared in the grid in branch page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Departments”. Departments page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on departments page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter department name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then department code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in departments page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Departments”. Departments page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on departments page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Departments”. Departments page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on departments page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit department name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then department name will be appeared in the grid in departments page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Designations”. Designations page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on designations page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter designation name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then designation code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in designations page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Designations”. Designations page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on designation page. If selected designation code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Designations”. Designations page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on designation page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit designation name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then designation name will be appeared in the grid in designation page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Document Types”. Document types page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on documents page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter document name in “Name” input box.
Click “OK” button then document type code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in documents page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Document Types”. Document types page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Document types page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Document Types”. Document types page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Document types page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit Document types name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then branch name will be appeared in the grid in Document types page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Employee Types”. Employee types page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on employee page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter employee name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then employee type code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in employees page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Employee Types”. Employee types page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Employee page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Employee Types”. Employee types page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on employee page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit employee name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then employee name will be appeared in the grid in employee page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Provision categories”. Provision categories page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on provision categories page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter provision categories name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then provision categories code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in provision categories page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Provision categories”. Provision categories page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Provision category page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Provision category”. Provision category page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on provision category page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit provision category name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then provision category name will be appeared in the grid in provision category page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Qualifications”. Qualifications page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on qualifications page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter qualifications name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then qualifications code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in qualifications page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Qualifications”. Qualifications page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on Qualification page. If selected code which you want to delete is in use then message bar will be appeared on the top of page and it will not delete the code. If selected code is not in use then a prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Qualification”. Qualification page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on qualification page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit qualification name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then qualification name will be appeared in the grid in qualification page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Religions”. Religions page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on religions page then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter religions name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then religions code will be systematically generated and will be appeared in the grid in religions page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Masters”, then click “Religion”. Religion page will be displayed.
Click the “Edit” Icon in column “Options” in the grid on religion page. 
A prompt box will be displayed.
Edit religion name in “Name” input box. Click “OK” button then religions name will be appeared in the grid in religion page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Absents”. Daily Absents page will be displayed.
Click the “Add Emlpoyee” button on the top of Daily Absents page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Click “Add New Item” then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

Enter absent type or click in “Absent Type” input box then absent type list will be drop down. Select your desired absent type. 

If absent is deductable then check “Is Deductible” check box or if you want absent not deductible then uncheck “Is Deductible” check box.
Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 

Click “OK” button to store the information then all the information will be shown in the grid in daily absents page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Absents”. Daily Absents page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” button on the top of Daily Absents page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
A Prompt box will be displayed.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Absents”. Daily Absents page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on the top of Daily Absents page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Absents”. Monthly Absents page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on the top of monthly absents page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then select employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

Click in “Date” input box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month then click in year input box. Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 

Click “Add New Item” button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter date in “Date” input box.

Enter absent type in “Absent Type” input box 

If absent is deductible then check “Is Deductible” check box or if you do not want to deduct on absent then uncheck “Is Deductible” check box.

Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 

Click “OK” button to save the information then all the information will be shown in the grid in monthly absents page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Absents”. Monthly Absents page will be displayed.
Select the employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of monthly absents page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then select employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

Click in “Date” input box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month then click in year input box. Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 

Click “Load” button on the top of monthly absents page. 

Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Lates”. Daily Lates page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on the top of Daily Lates page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Click “Add New Item” then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

Enter late type in “Absent Type” input box 

Enter late minutes in “Late Minutes” input box.

If absent is deductible then check “Is Deductible” check box or if you want absent not deductible then uncheck “Is Deductible” check box.
Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 

Click “OK” button to save the information then all the information will be shown in the grid in daily lates page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Lates”. Daily Lates page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” button on the top of Daily Lates page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
A Prompt box will be displayed.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Lates”. Daily Lates page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” button on the top of Daily Lates page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Lates”. Monthly Lates page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on the top of monthly lates page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then select employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

Click in “Date” input box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month then click in year input box. Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 

Click “Add New Item” button then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter date in “Date” input box.

Enter late type in “Absent Type” input box 

If absent is deductible then check “Is Deductible” check box or if you do not want to deduct on absent then uncheck “Is Deductible” check box.

Enter minutes in “Minutes” input box.

Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 

Click “OK” button to save the information then all the information will be shown in the grid in monthly absents page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Lates”. Monthly Lates page will be displayed.
Select the employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of monthly lates page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then select employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Click in “Date” input box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month then click in year input box. Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 

Click “Load” button on the top of monthly lates page. 
In the grid , Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Overtimes”. Daily Overtimes page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on the top of Daily Overtimes page.
Enter date in “Date” input box. Click “Add New Item” then pop-up will be appeared. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box. 

In “Start Time” click in first input box then hour’s list will be drop down. Select the desired hour. Click in second input box then minutes list will be drop down. Select your desired minutes. Click in third input box then select your desired “Ante Meridiem” (A.M) or “Post Meridiem” (P.M).

Enter end date in “End Date” input box. 

In “End Time” click in first input box then hour’s list will be drop down. Select the desired hour. Click in second input box then minutes list will be drop down. Select your desired minutes. Click in third input box then select your desired “Ante Meridiem” (A.M) or “Post Meridiem” (P.M).

Enter overtime in “Overtime Type” input box.

Enter description in “Description” input box. 

Click “OK” button then all the information will be shown in the grid in daily absents page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Overtimes”. Daily Overtimes page will be displayed.
Select the data by navigation bar or Click “Delete” Button on the top of Daily Overtimes page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
A Prompt box will be displayed.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Daily Overtimes”. Daily Overtimes page will be displayed.
Select the data by navigation bar or Click “Delete” button on the top of Daily Overtimes page. Enter date in “Date” input box then click “Load” button.
Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Overtimes”. Monthly Overtimes page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on the top of Monthly Overtimes page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.

In “Date”, click in first input box then months drop down list will be appeared. Select your desired month then click in second input box. Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year.
Click on “Add New Item” button then pop-up will be appeared.
Enter date in “Start Date” input box. 

In “Start Time” click in first input box then hour’s list will be drop down. Select the desired hour. Click in second input box then minutes list will be drop down. Select your desired minutes. Click in third input box then select your desired “Ante Meridiem” (A.M) or “Post Meridiem” (P.M).

Enter end date in “End Date” input box. 
In “End Time” click in first input box then hour’s list will be drop down. Select the desired hour. Click in second input box then minutes list will be drop down. Select your desired minutes. Click in third input box then select your desired “Ante Meridiem” (A.M) or “Post Meridiem” (P.M).
Enter overtime in “Overtime Type” input box.

Enter description in “Description” input box. 

Click “OK” button then all the information will be shown in the grid in monthly absents page.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Monthly Overtimes”. Monthly Overtimes page will be displayed.
Select the employee by navigation bar or Click the “Update” button on the top of Monthly Overtimes page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.

In “Date”, click in first input box then months drop down list will be appeared. Select your desired month then click in second input box. 
Year list will be drop down. Select your desired year.

Click “Load” button on the top of Monthly Overtimes page.

In the grid, Click “Delete” icon in column “Delete” against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click “Add new” button on loans page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter loan amount in “Loan Amount” input box. 
Enter date in “Date” input box. 
Click in “Payment” list box then payment list will be drop down. Select your desired payment type.
If you select e transfer in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box, then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box. 
If you select cheque in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter cheque number in “Cheque Number” input box, then enter Cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.
Enter account code in “Account Code” input box then account code list will be drop down. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.
Enter loan details in “Loan Details” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on loans page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
Click in “Payment” list box then payment list will be drop down. Select your desired payment type.
If you select e transfer in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box, then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box. 
If you select cheque in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter cheque number in “Cheque Number” input box, then enter Cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on loans page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter account code in “Account Code” input box then account code list will be drop down. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click “Add new” button on the top of loans page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter date in “Date” input box. 
Enter loan amount in “Amount” input box. 
Click in “Payment” list box then payment list will be drop down. Select your desired payment type.
If you select e transfer in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box, then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box. 
If you select cheque in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter cheque number in “Cheque Number” input box, then enter Cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.
Enter account code in “Account Code” input box then account code list will be drop down. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.
Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on loans page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
Click in “Payment” list box then payment list will be drop down. Select your desired payment type.
If you select e transfer in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter payment number in “Payment Number” input box, then enter payment date in “Payment Date” input box. 
If you select cheque in payment type then enter bank name in “Bank Name” input box. Enter cheque number in “Cheque Number” input box, then enter Cheque date in “Cheque Date” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on loans page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter account code in “Account Code” input box then account code list will be drop down. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be displayed in “Account Name” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Click “Add new” button on the top of branch transfer page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter date in “Date” input box. 
Enter branch code or click in “Branch To” input box. Branch code list will be appeared. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box. 
Enter starting date in “Starting Date” input box. 
Enter the name who appointed in “Appointed By” input box.
Enter remarks in “Remarks” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on branch transfer page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch To” input box. Branch code list will be appeared. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Branch Transfer”. Branch Transfer page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on branch transfer page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Vacation Calculator”. Vacation Calculator page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button. Enter document number then click on “Load” Button.
Click in “Leave Reason” input box then leave reason list will be drop down. Select your desired leave reason.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Vacation Calculator”. Vacation Calculator page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click on “Delete” button. Enter document number then click on “Load” Button.

A prompt box will be appeared. 

Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions”. Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions page. 

Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee list will be displayed. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be displayed in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
In “Date”, click in first input box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month.
Click in second input box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year.
In “Non Monthly Allowances”, enter non monthly allowance percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 non monthly allowances. 
In “Non Monthly Deduction”, enter non monthly deduction percentage in column “ Percentage” input box then entered percentage amount of employee salary will be appeared in column “ Amount” input box. You can enter up to 10 non monthly deduction. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions”. Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions page will be displayed.
Click “Delete” button on Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions page. 
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee list will be displayed. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be displayed in “Employee Name” input box. Click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Select employee code by navigation bar or click “Update” button on loans page. Enter document number in “Document Number” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Transactions,” then click “Vacation Calculator”. Vacation Calculator page will be displayed.
Click the “Add new” button on Branch Transfer page.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter vacation outstanding in “Vacation outstanding (Balance from previous terms)” input box. 
Enter starting date to calculate the vacation in “Starting Date to Calculate the Vacation” input box.
Enter days to be added to the calculation adjustment in “Days to be added to the calculation (adjustment)” input box. 
Enter days to be deducted for calculation adjustment in “Days to Be Deducted for Calculation (Adjustment)” input box.
Enter no of vacations per term in “No of Vacations per Term” input box.
In “Vacation Due up to Date” input box, enter vacation due date in first input box then enter no of due vacation days in second input box. 
Enter total vacation due in “Total vacation due” input box.
Enter ending date in “Ending Date” input box. 
Click in “Leave Reason” input box then leave reason list will be drop down. Select your desired leave reason.
If you want to deduct from salary then select “Yes” radio button in “Deduct from Salary” or if you do not want to deduct the leave from salary then select “NO” radio button in “Deduct from Salary”.
Enter vacation return date in “Vacation Return Date” input box.
Enter next vacation due date in “Next Vacation Due On” input box.
In “Vacation availing from”, enter vacation availing starting date in first input box then enter no of vacation days in second input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
 Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to calculate salary then click on “Calculate” button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter no of days in “Total Number of Days in a Month” input box. Click “Proceed” button to save the information then confirmation message bar will be appeared on the top of salary page.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” Button on top of on the top of salary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of salary page. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
 Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to post salary to accounting then click on “Post Salary to Accounting” button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter no of days in “Total Number of Days in a Month” input box. Click “Proceed” button to save the information then confirmation message bar will be appeared on the top of salary page.
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display salary details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of salary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of salary page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to post salary to accounting then click on “Post Salary to Accounting” button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter no of days in “Total Number of Days in a Month” input box. Click “Proceed” button to save the information then confirmation message bar will be appeared on the top of salary page.
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display salary details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” Button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” Button on top of on the top of salary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of salary page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to re-calculate salary then click on “Re-Calculate” button then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click "Yes" button then prompt box will be appeared.
Enter no of days in “Total Number of Days in a Month” input box. Click “Proceed” button to save the information then confirmation message bar will be appeared on the top of salary page.
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button then it will display salary details.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of salary page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of salary page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”” button then it will download salary report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display salary statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download salary report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display salary statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary”. Salary page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in salary statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in salary statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view salary statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download salary report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display salary statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Details”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Salary Details page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Salary Details page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Details”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Salary Details report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Detail”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel”  button then it will download Salary Details report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Details”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Salary Details report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Pay Slip”. Pay slip page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Salary Details page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Salary Details page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Detail”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Salary Details report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Detail”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Salary Details report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary Detail”. Salary Details page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary Details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you do not want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Salary Details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Salary Details report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary Details statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Allowances”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Allowance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Allowance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button. 

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Salary Details page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Salary Details page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Allowances”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Allowance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Allowance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download allowance Details report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Allowance statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Allowances”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Allowance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Allowance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Word”” button then it will download allowance details report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Allowance statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Allowances”. Allowances page will be displayed.

Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Allowance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Allowance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.

If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Allowance statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download allowance details report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Allowance statementin PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed.
Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.
If you want to view branch details in deductions details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in deductions details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.

If you want to select all monthly deductions details in deductions statement then in “Monthly Deductions”, select “All” radio button or if you want to select particular monthly allowance detail, select “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowance” input box. Monthly allowance list will be drop down. Select your desired monthly allowance.  

If you want to select all non-monthly deductions details in deductions statement then in “Non Monthly Deductions”, select “All” radio button or if you want to select particular non- monthly allowance detail, select “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowance” input box. Non-Monthly allowance list will be drop down. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.  

If you do not want to view deductions details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view deductions details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.

Click “Show” button.    
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Deduction statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Deduction statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Deduction page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Deduction page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Deduction statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Deduction statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Deduction report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Deduction statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Deduction statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Deduction statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Deduction report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Deduction statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Deduction statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Deduction statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired monthly allowance.
If you want to view all non-monthly allowances then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular non-monthly allowances then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Non Monthly Allowances” list box. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.
If you do not want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Deduction statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Word”” button then it will download Deduction report in word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display deduction statement in word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed.
Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.
If you want to view branch details in provisions details statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in provisions details statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to select all monthly provisions details in provisions statement then in “Monthly Provisions”, select “All” radio button or if you want to select particular monthly allowance detail, select “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowance” input box. Monthly allowance list will be drop down. Select your desired monthly allowance.  

If you want to select all non-monthly provisions details in provisions statement then in “Non Monthly Provisions”, select “All” radio button or if you want to select particular non- monthly allowance detail, select “Particular” radio button then click in “Monthly Allowance” input box. Non-Monthly allowance list will be drop down. Select your desired non-monthly allowance.  

If you do not want to view provisions details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view provisions details statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.

Click “Show” button.   

Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provision”. Provision page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Provision statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Provision statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all employee provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employee provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employee Provision” list box. Select your desired employee provision.
If you want to view all employer provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employer provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employer Provision” list box. Select your desired employer provision.
If you do not want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Show” button. 
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Provision statement page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Provisions page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provision”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Provision statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Provision statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all employee provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employee provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employee Provision” list box. Select your desired employee provision.
If you want to view all employer provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employer provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employer Provision” list box. Select your desired employer provision.
If you do not want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” “ button then it will download Provision report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Provision report in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provision”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Provision statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Provision statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all employee provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employee provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employee Provision” list box. Select your desired employee provision.
If you want to view all employer provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employer provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employer Provision” list box. Select your desired employer provision.
If you do not want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Provision report in Word format. Click in the message box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Provision report in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provision”. Allowances page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Provision statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Provision statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view all employee provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employee provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employee Provision” list box. Select your desired employee provision.
If you want to view all employer provision then click on “All” radio button. 
Or if you want to view particular employer provision then click on “Particular” radio button then click in “Employer Provision” list box. Select your desired employer provision.
If you do not want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view Provision statement, if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Provision report in word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Provision report in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.
Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.

If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.

If you do not want to view absent statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box and if you want to view absent statement if amount is zero then check “Do not show, if amount is zero” check box.

Click “Show” button. 
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 

Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Absents statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Absents statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Absents statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Absents statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Absents page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Absents statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Absents statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Absents statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Absents statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Absents report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Absents statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Absents statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Absents statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Absents statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Absents statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Absents report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Absents statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Absents statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Absents statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Absents statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Absents statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Absents report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Absents statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Lates statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Lates statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Lates statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Lates statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Lates page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of lates page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Lates statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Lates statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Lates statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Lates statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Lates report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Lates statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Lates statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Lates statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Lates statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Lates report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Lates statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Lates statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Lates statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Lates statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Lates report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Overtime statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Overtime statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Overtime page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Overtime page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Overtime statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Overtime statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Overtime report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Overtime statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Overtime statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Overtime report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Overtime statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Overtime statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Overtime statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.

Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download Overtime report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” Button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Loans page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Loans page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click ‘Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click ““Export to Excel” ” button then it will download Loans report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click ““Export to Word”” button then it will download Loans report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Loans report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” Button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Loans page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Loans page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” vin Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Loans report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Loans report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Loans statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Loans statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Loans statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Loans statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Loans report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Salary advance statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” Button on top of on the top of Salary advance page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Salary advance page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Salary advance statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.

Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Salary advance report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Salary advance statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Salary advance report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Click in “Month” list box then month list will be drop down. Select your desired month. 
Click in “Year” list box then year list will be drop down. Select your desired year. 
If you want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.
If you want to view department details in Salary advance statement then check “Department Code” check box. Enter department code or click in “Department code” input box then department code list will be drop down. Select your desired department code then selected department name will be appeared in “Department Name” input box or if you do not want to view department details in Salary advance statement then uncheck “Department Code” check box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Salary advance report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Lates page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Lates page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Lates report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Lates report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download Lates report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Lates statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Overtime page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Overtime page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Overtime report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Overtime report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Overtime report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Overtime statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Loans page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Loans page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Loans report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Loans report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Loans report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Loans statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Salary advance page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Salary advance page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Salary advance report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Salary advance report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Salary advance report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Salary advance statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Branch transfers page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Branch transfers page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Branch transfers report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display branch transfer statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Branch transfers report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Branch transfers statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download Branch transfers report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Branch transfers statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then ‘Reports”, then click “Vacation calculator”. Vacation calculator page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Show” button.
You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” Button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Vacation calculator page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Vacation calculator page.
A: Click on the “HR”, then ‘Reports”, then click “Vacation calculator”. Vacation calculator page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Excel” button then it will download Vacation calculator report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display branch transfer statement in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then ‘Reports”, then click “Vacation calculator”. Vacation calculator page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Vacation calculator report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Vacation calculator statement in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then ‘Reports”, then click “Vacation calculator”. Vacation calculator page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Enter employee code or click in “Employee Code” input box then employee code list will be drop down. Select your desired employee code then selected employee name will be appeared in “Employee Name” input box.
Enter branch code or click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Click “Export to PDF”  button then it will download Vacation calculator report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display Vacation calculator statement in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Expiry Documents”. Expiry Documents page will be displayed.
Click in “Document Type” input box then document types list will be displayed. Select your desired document type.
In “Expiry Period” enter starting date in “Date From” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click “Show” button.  

You can select page size by clicking on “Page size” checkbox then page size list will be appeared. Select the page size. If you want to select desired page number then click on “Navigation” button or click in “Go to” checkbox then page list will appear. Select the page number. 
If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” button on top of on the top of Expiry Documents page then prompt box will be appeared. 
Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Expiry Documents page.
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Expiry Documents”. Expiry Documents page will be displayed.
Click in “Document Type” input box then document types list will be displayed. Select your desired document type.
In “Expiry Period” enter starting date in “Date From” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click “Export to Excel”  button then it will download Expiry document report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display branch expiry document in Excel format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Expiry Documents”. Expiry Documents page will be displayed.
Click in “Document Type” input box then document types list will be displayed. Select your desired document type.
In “Expiry Period” enter starting date in “Date From” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Expiry document report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display branch expiry document in Word format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Expiry Documents”. Expiry Documents page will be displayed.
Click in “Document Type” input box then document types list will be displayed. Select your desired document type.
In “Expiry Period” enter starting date in “Date From” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box.
Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download Expiry document report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page. 
It will display branch expiry document in PDF format.  
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Change Strings”. Change Strings page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on Change Strings page. 

If you want to change label of “Field” (Monthly Allowances)in packages then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Monthly Allowance 1 to Monthly Allowance 10.
If you want to change label of “Field” (Monthly Deduction) in packages then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Monthly Deduction 1 to Monthly Deduction 10.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Change Strings”. Change Strings page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on Change Strings page. 

If you want to change label of “Field” (Provisions) in packages then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Provisions 1 to Provisions 10.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Change Strings”. Change Strings page will be displayed.
Click the “Update” button on Change Strings page. 

If you want to change label of “Field” (Non Monthly Allowances) in Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Non Monthly Allowances1 to Non Monthly Allowances 10.
If you want to change label of “Field” (Non Monthly Deductions) in Non Monthly Allowances and Deductions then enter string against your desired field in column “Label” input box from Non Monthly Deductions 1 to Non Monthly Deductions 10.

Click “Save” button to save the information.

Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Employee Provision Formulas”. Employee Provision Formulas page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of employee provisions formulas page.
Click in “Provision Category Code” list box then provision category code page will be displayed. Select your desired provision category code then selected provision category page will be appeared in “Provision Category Name” input box.
Click in “Provisions” list box then provision list will be appeared. Select your desired provision.
Select your desired fields in “Available Fields” list bar then click on navigation Button to select it. It will be displayed in “Selected Fields” input box. 
Enter rate of employer in “Rate of employer” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Absent Type”. Absent Type page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Absent Type page.
Enter absent type name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Absent Type”. Absent Type page will be displayed.
Select absent type name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of absent type page. Enter absent type code in “Absent Type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter absent type name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Absent Type”. Absent Type page will be displayed.
Select absent type name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of absent type page. Enter absent type code in “Absent Type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Absent Type”. Absent Type page will be displayed.
Select absent type name by navigation bar or click on “Delete” button on the top of absent type page. Enter absent type code in “Absent Type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Overtime type”. Overtime type page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Overtime type page.
Enter overtime type name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Overtime type”. Overtime type page will be displayed.
Select overtime type name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of overtime type page. Enter overtime type code in “Overtime type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter overtime type name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Overtime type”. Overtime type page will be displayed.
Select overtime type name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of overtime type page. Enter overtime type code in “Overtime type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Overtime type”. Overtime type page will be displayed.
Select overtime type name by navigation bar or click on “Delete” button on the top of overtime type page. Enter overtime type code in “Overtime type Code” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Late types”. Late types page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Late types page.
Enter late types name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Late types”. Late types page will be displayed.
Select late types name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of late types page. Enter late types code in “Late types Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter late types name or if you want to enter name in your desired language then click on “Name” icon.
A prompt box will be appeared. 
Enter salesman name in your language then Click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Late types”. Late types page will be displayed.
Select late types name by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of late types page. Enter late types code in “Late types Code” input box then click “Load” button.
Enter ratio in “Ratio” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Late types”. Late types page will be displayed.
Select late types name by navigation bar or click on “Delete” button on the top of late types page. Enter late types code in “Late types Code” input box then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of employee, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of branches, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of department, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of qualification, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of religion, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of designation, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of employees Types, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of document types, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of employee, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of late types, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of absent types, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter starting number of your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Starting Number Setup”. Starting Number Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of starting number setup page.
To set auto numbering of provision category, check the check box in column “Auto Numbering” or if you do not want to set auto numbering then uncheck the check box in column “Auto Numbering”.
Enter your desired starting number in column “Starting Number” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Global Setup”. Global Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of global type page.
If you want inventory transaction post to financial accounting then check “Inventory Transaction Post To Financial Accounting” check box or uncheck.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Salary Posting Setup”. Salary Posting Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of Salary Posting Setup page.
Enter branch code or enter click in “Branch Code” input box then branch code list will be displayed. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box.
Enter account code or click in “Account code” list box against your desired monthly allowance then account code list will be displayed. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.
Enter account code or click in “Cost center code” list box against your desired monthly allowance then account code list will be displayed. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be appeared in “Cost center name” input box.

Enter account code or click in “Account code” list box against your desired monthly allowances then account code list will be displayed. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be appeared in “Account Name” input box.

Enter account code or click in “Cost center code” list box against your desired monthly allowance then account code list will be displayed. Select your desired account code then selected account name will be appeared in “Cost center name” input box.

Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “HR”, then “Setup”, then click “Notification Setup”. Notification Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Update” button on the top of notification type page.
If you want expiring document to active then check “Is active” check box or uncheck. Enter days in column “Days period” input box.
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Post Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired warehouse details then click on “Warehouse” check box. Click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
If you want to view desired salesman details then click on “Salesman” check box. Click in “Salesman” list box then salesman list will be appeared. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman” input box.
If you want to view desired counter details then check “Counter” check box. Enter counter code in “Counter Code” input box.
Click “Show” button then it will display the desired post transaction.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Post Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired warehouse details then click on “Warehouse” check box. Click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Click “Show” button then warehouse details will be shown in posted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then Reports”, then click “Post Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired salesman details then click on “Salesman” check box. Click in “Salesman” list box then salesman list will be appeared. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman” input box.
Click “Show” button then salesman details will be shown in posted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Post Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired counter details then check “Counter” check box. Enter counter code in “Counter Code” input box.
Click “Show” button then counter details will be shown in posted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Unposted Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired warehouse details then click on “Warehouse” check box. Click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
If you want to view desired salesman details then click on “Salesman” check box. Click in “Salesman” list box then salesman list will be appeared. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman” input box.
If you want to view desired counter details then check “Counter” check box. Enter counter code in “Counter Code” input box.
Click “Process” button then it will display the desired un post transaction.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Unposted Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired warehouse details then click on “Warehouse” check box. Click in “Warehouse” list box then warehouse list will be appeared. Select your desired warehouse code then selected warehouse name will be appeared in “Warehouse” input box.
Click “Process” button then warehouse details will be shown in un posted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Unposted Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 

If you want to view desired salesman details then click on “Salesman” check box. Click in “Salesman” list box then salesman list will be appeared. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman” input box.
Click “Process” button then salesman details will be shown in unposted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Reports”, then click “Unposted Transactions”. Post Transactions page will be displayed.
Enter starting date in “Date from” input box then enter ending date in “Date to” input box. 
If you want to view desired counter details then check “Counter” check box. Enter counter code in “Counter Code” input box.
Click “Process” button then counter details will be shown in un posted transactions.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Counter Setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to active counter setup then check “Is Active” check box or uncheck.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box. Select your desired warehouse code.
Enter invoice prefix in “Invoice Prefix” input box.
Enter invoice return prefix in “Invoice Return Prefix” input box. 
If you want to download items with picture then check “Picture” check box in “Item Download With”.
If you want to download items with quantity in hand then check “Qty in Hand” check box in “Items Download With”.

Click in “Price Type” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type.
Click in “Language” list box then language list will be drop down. Select your desired language.
If you want to enable second language required then check “Second Language Required” check box or uncheck. Click in “Second Language” list box then second language list will be drop down. Select your desired second language. 
If you want to enable posting mode off line then check “Offline” check box or if you want to posting mode to online then check “Online” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box. Select your desired warehouse code.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to download items with picture then check “Picture” check box in “Item Download With”.
If you want to download items with quantity in hand then check “Qty in Hand” check box in “Items Download With”.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Click in “Price Type” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Click in “Language” list box then language list will be drop down. Select your desired language.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.

If you want to enable second language required then check “Second Language Required” check box or uncheck. Click in “Second Language” list box then second language list will be drop down. Select your desired second language. 
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to enable posting mode offline then check “Offline” check box or if you want to posting mode online then check “Online” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Counter Setup”. Counter Setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Device setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to active device setup then check “Is Active” check box or uncheck.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box. Select your desired warehouse code.
Enter invoice prefix in “Invoice Prefix” input box.
Enter invoice return prefix in “Invoice Return Prefix” input box. 
If you want to download items with picture then check “Picture” check box in “Item Download With”.
If you want to download items with quantity in hand then check “Qty in Hand” check box in “Items Download With”.

Click in “Price Type” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type.

Click in “Language” list box then language list will be drop down. Select your desired language.
If you want to enable second language required then check “Second Language Required” check box or uncheck. Click in “Second Language” list box then second language list will be drop down. Select your desired second language. 
If you want to enable posting mode off line then check “Offline” check box or if you want to posting mode to online then check “Online” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Enter warehouse code or click in “Warehouse” input box. Select your desired warehouse code.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to download items with picture then check “Picture” check box in “Item Download With”.
If you want to download items with quantity in hand then check “Qty in Hand” check box in “Items Download With”.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Click in “Price Type” list box then price type list will be drop down. Select your desired price type.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
Click in “Language” list box then language list will be drop down. Select your desired language.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.

Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to enable second language required then check “Second Language Required” check box or uncheck. Click in “Second Language” list box then second language list will be drop down. Select your desired second language. 
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Device setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to enable posting mode offline then check “Offline” check box or if you want to posting mode to online then check “Online” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setups”, then click “Device Setup”. Device setup page will be displayed.
Click on Delete icon against the desired entry in the grid then a prompt will be appeared.

Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of Device setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
Enter salesman code or click in “Warehouse” input box. Select your desired salesman code then selected salesman name will be appeared in “Salesman Name” input box.
If you want to give admin access to salesman then check “Is Admin” check box. 
If you want to give credit sale access to salesman then check “Credit Sale” check box.
If you want to activate salesman then check “Is Active” check box.
Enter login id in “Login ID” input box then enter password in “Password” input box. Enter new password in “New Password” input box. 
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Change Password icon” in the grid on user setup page then a prompt will be appeared.

Enter new password in “New Password” input box then enter new password again in “Confirm New Password” input box. 
Click “Save” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid on user setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon in the grid on user setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to give admin access to salesman then check “Is Admin” check box. 
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon in the grid on user setup page then a prompt will be appeared.

If you want to give credit sale access to salesman then check “Credit Sale” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “User Setup”. User setup page will be displayed.
Click on “Edit” icon in the grid on user setup page then a prompt will be appeared.
If you want to activate salesman then check “Is Active” check box.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Click on “Add new” button on the top of item group page.
Enter item group name in “Item Group Name” input box.
If you want to enter group name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then a prompt will be appeared. 
Enter name in your desired language then click “Proceed” button to save the information.

If you want to attach picture then click on “Choose File” icon. Select your desired file. 
Click “Add New Item” then a prompt box will be appeared. Click in “Item Type” list box then item list will be drop down. Select your desired item type. Click in “Item Code” list box then item code list will be drop down. Select your desired item code.  
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the item group code by navigation bar or click on “Delete” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Yes” button to delete the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the item group code by navigation bar or click on “Print” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.
A prompt box will be appeared.
Click “Print” button to print the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.
Click on “Delete” icon in the grid against the desired entry then it will delete the entry.
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.
If you want to enter group name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then a prompt will be appeared. 
Enter name in your desired language then click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.
If you want to enter group name in your desired language then click on “Manage Name” icon then a prompt will be appeared. 
Enter name in your desired language then click “Proceed” button to save the information.

Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Item Group”. Item Group page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter item group code in “Item Group Code” then click “Load” button.

If you want to attach picture then click on “Choose File” icon. Select your desired file. 
Click “OK” button to save the information. 
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Receipt Setup”. Receipt Setup page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter receipt setup in “Receipt Setup”then click “Load” button.
Enter counter code or click in “Counter Code” input box then counter code list will be appeared. Select your desired counter code. 
If you want to attach picture then click on “Choose File” icon in “Receipt Header Image”. Select your desired file. 
Enter heading1 in “Heading 1” input box then enter heading2 in “Heading 2” input box. Enter heading 3 in “Heading 3” input box. 
In Receipt Footer, enter heading1 in “Footer1” input box then enter heading2 in “Footer2” input box. Enter footer3 in “Footer3” input box. 
Click on “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Receipt Setup”. Receipt Setup page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. Enter receipt setup in “Receipt Setup” then click “Load” button.
If you want to attach picture then click on “Choose File” icon in “Receipt Header Image”. Select your desired file. 
Click “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Receipt Setup”. Receipt Setup page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page. 

Enter receipt setup in “Receipt Setup” then click “Load” button.

Enter heading1 in “Heading 1” input box then enter heading2 in “Heading 2” input box. Enter heading 3 in “Heading 3” input box. 
Click on “Save” button to save the information.
Click on the “POS Management”, then “Setup”, then click “Receipt Setup”. Receipt Setup page will be displayed.
Select the group code by navigation bar or click on “Update” button on the top of item group page.

Enter receipt setup in “Receipt Setup” then click “Load” button.
In Receipt Footer, enter footer1 in “Footer1” input box then enter footer2 in “Footer2” input box. Enter footer3 in “Footer3” input box. 

Click on “Save” button to save the information.

Search Result

records found


IND: +91-9446249308
IND: +91-7306573189